Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Carol Schatz of the CCA and their outright war against the homeless

The best parts of this are from the work of Dan Bluemel of LA Activist; articles are linked at the end.

Why do Carole Schatz and the CCA hate the homeless?

In 2011, LA Downtown News released its list of the 42 most powerful people downtown:

6. Carol Schatz, Central City Association

Mayor Villariagosa is listed as number 5.


Carol Schatz said in 2004:

"We have a very specific agenda related to homelessness."

"So, what stands in the way of realizing these aspirations over the next year or two?

Again, we need a supportive policy environment. We need attention paid by the city and county to the issue of homelessness, because we are ground zero here for the United States in terms of the numbers of encampments. Our job is to continue to make the case for why it is extremely important that policymakers focus on these issues, and focus attention on the continued revitalization of downtown. The success of downtown has wide-ranging impacts, spreading wealth and benefits to every part of the city."


When you look at the events truthfully depicted in the film and book "The Soloist", you will note that the homeless were forced out of an area CCA wished to turn into Profit. 

Did Carol Schatz write an LA Times opinion piece against the homeless?

Enabling homelessness on L.A.'s skid row

Allowing the homeless to keep any and all possessions on sidewalks protects unlawful conduct for a few and ignores the ramifications for most of society.


Edit: Uh-oh! That story is no longer found! So here is the archive:


Take screenshots; they're obviously nervous about people seeing them for who they are! 


"We have a very specific agenda related to homelessness."

Did the CCA, who are contracted to sweep the streets of Skid Row, empty their trash cans, and power wash twice-weekly cease these contractual services in mid/early May? 

Yes, at minimum at Towne street.

Did the city pass an ordinance against camping/tents in May of this year, seemingly an anti-Occupy bill but is now apparent as an attack upon the homeless city-wide? 

City Hall Moves To Ban Tents, Overnight Camping After Occupy LA Damage



Where is money meant for the homeless actually going?

Last year, we saw homeless monies taken by the city and handed over to the developer Gensler:

Huge Subsidy for Stadium Architect

Villaraigosa quietly plans to hand Gensler $1 million meant for the poor

How did Los Angeles city leaders turn $1 million intended to help downtown’s homeless and low-income denizens into a proposed subsidy for the global architecture firm designing downtown’s proposed NFL football stadium?


and after a flurry of propaganda articles in the LA Times and LA Downtown News against the homeless[1], and a Health Department report skewed by CCA's own refusal to continue their contracted sweeping, garbage collection, and power-washing of Skid Row, genuine attacks began upon the homeless. 

Regarding profitable housing versus homeless housing, their agenda is:

"How much housing is in production, Carol? 

As of December 31, 1998, which is when we first began to see the spike in activity, 12,809 units existed. The grand total now, at the end of 2003, is 14,996 units. There are currently 3,200 units under construction, 812 permitted units, 794 units under plan check, and over 3,000 units under consideration."

That would make 2, 187 active units with 7,806 under way, making a total in of

9,993 units. 

How about for the homeless?

ACLU/City of Los Angeles Settlement Agreement

"A settlement was reached, requiring the city to build 1,250 new permanent supportive housing units, 50 percent of which must be located in Skid Row, in order to enforce an ordinance that prevents street encampments."



That means 625 units for Skid Row homeless, total, forever, out of a population of many multiple thousands, while in 2004 alone they were working on 9,993 units for profit. In exchange for an ordinance that prevents street encampments. And:

"CCA is monitoring the progress of the new housing units, and will work with the city and community to ensure a balanced approach to any new housing in Downtown."

Yeah, that is shining through.

How about laws involving the homeless?

"Safer Cities Initiative
CCA is a strong supporter of the Safer Cities Initiative (SCI), a crime-reduction program established in Downtown Los Angeles in 2006 under former Chief of Police Bill Bratton. The program has added 50 additional patrol officers to target narcotics-related crime and misdemeanor offenses such as illegal vending, littering, dumping, and vandalism. CCA credits the SCI for dramatically reducing crime and blight in the area."

* $5.7 million dollars are spent a year for homeless services for the entire city, not merely Skid Row.
* $6 million dollars a year are spent on those 50 extra police on Skid Row.
* The SCI allows arrests for anyone sitting or sleeping on the sidewalk between 6AM and 9PM, but that is not mentioned in CCA's description.
* Neither is the fact that the homeless will be arrested for not taking down their tents during this time. [2]
* "Blight" = "The homeless".
*  Littering and dumping? Here is where this money is going...into nice new sports cars:


What about corporations and the rich influencing city government policy and decisions?

"Naturally, our membership includes business leaders from across Los Angeles. We give them access to the policies and people that are shaping the future of Los Angeles and in return, they know CCA is the business organization that gets things done."

Advocating for the business community before the Los Angeles City Council, the County Board of Supervisors and the State Legislature. 



What did Benito Mussolini have to say about exactly this?

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."

Benito Mussolini seen here with a friend:


Corporate police the purple shirts with batons alongside LAPD at an Occupy action. Corporate police! When did corporations get their own thug force and when exactly was the public vote?

 Purple shirts and lapd occupy


Safe and Clean Teams
The DCBID's Safe & Clean team, our "Purple Patrol", is committed to assisting those who work, live, and play in the Downtown Center and Historic Downtown. This highly visible team of purple-shirted safety officers and maintenance staff provide daily, 24-hour supplemental services to maintain safety and cleanliness within the district. The Purple Patrol is highly trained to ensure that your visit to the Downtown area is memorable and safe. 


"The operation, requested by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa..."


Now the attack upon Skid Row has officially begun:

Does CCA openly brag about their influence at city hall?
Yes, although this once-public post is now only viewable through the archive:

CCA PAC Scores Successes at City Hall

"The results are in! CCA was the resounding winner in yesterday’s election."

Where will the homeless go if they are forced out of Skid Row? 

There are no safe directions. There are no "public commons" in which they may rest or sleep, or stop moving for a minute without facing arrest. This has been by design. As well as the recent City Hall ruling against tents in public parks, which worked against Occupy but was now obviously with the homeless in mind as well.

Here are real housing solutions for the homeless:

And the Health Department report recommends long-term housing, with zero word about forcing them out or arresting them!

"Working with people who are homeless and experiencing mental illnesses and other health problems is not easy. Society has at times given up on this vulnerable population and incorrectly concluded nothing can be done to address their issues, or to solve the cycle of despair resulting in long-term homelessness.
We at the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) and many other advocates know differently - there are proven solutions that work. Effective, cost-efficient models that move vulnerable people like Ayers off the streets and into affordable, permanent housing where they can receive the support they need to heal and build better lives."


Housing project for hard-core homeless pays off

A study of homeless adults housed by L.A. County's Project 50 suggests providing permanent housing to vulnerable populations saves local governments money.


Project 50: Anatomy of a photo essay


And at minimum, this falls directly into the Health Department's recommendations:

Portable shower and toilet trailers


Here is a most brilliant article summing up the entire issue:

Harsh Skid Row policies driven by business lobby, say advocates


What does Occupy and the LA Community Action Network and Catholic Workers have to say about all of this? 

Arrests & Terror at #626Wilshire

State Violence Increases as Occupiers Lay Siege to Perfect Villain


Occupiers on Skid Row were evicted a few days earlier, and re-Occupied:

Occupy Skid Row, Evicted and Re-Occupied!



Major cleanup of L.A. skid row, prompted by health report, begins  


LA County finds health-code violations in Skid Row


Editorials: Bad to Worse in Skid Row

(Guess what? There no name attached to this article!)


Editorials: Trouble on Skid Row Sidewalks

(Nope, no name on this one either.)


A plan to make L.A.'s homeless problem worse?


The hilarious thing about the great Ted Rall cartoon in the above article is that under the CCA's strongly supported "Safer Cities Initiative", the homeless person depicted would be arrested for sitting on the sidewalk.

[2] Homeless man threatened with arrest for not taking down his tent between 6AM and 9PM:

Councilman Jose Huizar, whose district will include Skid Row thank to redistricting

This is my understanding from what I have read and been told. All errors are errors.

Interim word on Skid Row: The poor now have no safe direction.

There used to be homeless encampments along the fence at Grand and Olive beneath the freeway. Those are now gone.

Today in South LA I heard a cop tell four men who were sitting on the sidewalk that they had to leave.

An order has been given somewhere. A new policy is in place. We need to make it public, and reveal who is behind it (CCA).

A new pogrom of torment for the weak and poor has begun.  The poor now have no safe direction and the rich will rake in ever more dollars. Making the city something for themselves only, and those who can afford their wares. This was their goal all along, hidden behind a health department investigation uesd to demonize the homeless while CCA themselves had stopped providing their contracted cleaning services in that area...and a new "cleaning" of human beings will shortly begin. I pity your karma.

Harsh Skid Row policies driven by business lobby, say advocates


Carol Schatz of the CCA said in 2004:

"We have a very specific agenda related to homelessness."

"So, what stands in the way of realizing these aspirations over the next year or two?"


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Occupy Skid Row, Evicted and Re-Occupied!

Update, June 25: General TC Alexander, seen in the second video, was arrested today for 56.11 which is some nonsense like you have to keep your property moving at all times between 6AM and 9PM. Just before this, the fire department gent seen here and thanked for rescuing the bikes, came by to apparently secretly video us while asking questions about some of our favorite police officers. (The phone/camera was in his belt, mostly aiming at TC and myself.) They are desperate to build cases against us through any means.This also shows that they read this blog, among other things. Send in the guy who got the smile. Who did nothing else, just came by, stood and asked questions, and left. Way to build trust, way to build positive relationships.


June 22, 2012.

The CCA ceased performing their contracted street sweeping, power washing, and garbage collection duties (contracted by the city, I am told) sometime around mid-May. This is around the time the health department were going around Skid Row seeking any and all health violations. Occupy Skid Row took care of their zone as they always do. The resulting Health Department report did not include the Occupied block.

Oddly (or not), the County were asked to power wash the street (as opposed to the city, who have an injunction against removing personal property). As expected, it was a ruse to clear the street. Everyone was told they could not return to where they'd been and also could not stay in the spot to which they'd temporarily moved. Considering that the next few streets in the area had also been cleared and the locals warned to not return (and they hadn't), it was decided to re-Occupy. Police of course arrived and bullied.

Again, "odd" how with a report requesting immediate action on feces, rats and needles, oh my, that CCA first go after Occupy Skid Row. Leaving unresolved the very health hazards about which they most loudly complain. 

The video tells it:

They are told they cannot go back in and retrieve all of their property. A blatant attempt to destroy Occupy Skid Row. Video by David Dang.

Police intimidate and lecture and threaten arrest, marching everyone off the block. Video by Patti Beers.

Or, "Operation Clean Sweep", regarding people. Photo by Damon D'Amato:


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Photo by Damon:


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Photo by Damon:


THANKS to the Fire Department gent who rescued the bikes!

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Photo by Damon:


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Photo by Damon:


Photo by Damon:


Thank you Noticias 22!

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Thanks Mr. D!

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Photo by Damon:


From the Health Department report, cut and pasted into small documents, no other editing excepting cropping and the highlight.

It is interesting to note that the OSR block is outside of the report's mandate. It is also interesting that there is nothing in it even remotely suggesting that the locals be made to permanently leave, or to be inconvenienced so badly they'd have to leave, through not being able to be still for a single moment during the day or face arrest. And of course the cops didn't say where we were expected to go, but it is certainly implied.

Skid Row Findings

Skid Row NOV Directives

Skid Row Recommendations

SRO housing have not taken any applications for the first five months of this year.

Damon's photostream:


Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 13, Los Angeles Occupations march in solidarity with Montreal students

This is an autonomous video of last night's events; an official OLA statement of solidarity should be forthcoming! We counted 72 persons including OLAers and friends from Occupy The Hood LA, and Occupy Skid Row. 72 people shouting on the steps of city hall. Might that be why the LA Times today posted this? LOL

"Could the end be near for Occupy Wall Street movement?"

But this contradiction the week before:

"Council aims to thwart new Occupy protest at L.A. City Hall"


More information:

So: We march in solidarity with the Montreal student strikers, and more! Casseroles!

First video by on youtube.

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GEDC0134 s
GEDC0138 s

Erik's photo collection:


Amber's photo collection:
