Tuesday, December 17, 2013

They're trolling for a new terrorist attack.

The 1%, in seeking to further advance their imperialist globalization of all resources and to install their enslaving banking system of debt as far and wide as it may reach, are attempting to create another terrorist attack upon the US or ally nations in order to justify further invasions of sovereign nations as well as to crack down upon liberties at home (the surveillance state is designed to protect the 1% and their corporate interests). "See, we told you so!" would be their cry, to show us as exposed in "V for Vendetta", their plans to prove to the little people "why they need us!" The "war on terror", itself being pure terrorism, would never end, meaning the feeding trough of taxpayer monies would never empty. The actual war "debt" would be used to force "austerity" upon us, a double-dip into taxpayer monies. Then you'll see the smash-and-grab they're doing to Detroit occur in many other US cities, a pattern of destruction they've already demonstrated in Europe.

The planned attack(s) upon Syria and their expected escalations into targeted countries were an attempt to further these neocon/PNAC goals, to cement the US in the role of world police which of course is a thin cover for corporate globalization, to cement in place the systems creating income inequality. The veil is lifting on such massive negativity and selfish agenda, and people sensed it and rejected it outright. Their larger plan is now under increasing revelation. Awareness is increasing. Rejection of the old is increasing. The efforts of the old are also increasing, but witness the Arab Spring, Occupy, the Indignados, Wisconsin activsts, YoSoy132, and very importantly the First Nations' Idle No More campaigns world-wide to protect sacred water and to demand the Earth be treated as Home, not as a disposable resource for short-term profit.

Keep kicking ass! It's working! 


US global supremacy

"According to critics, including Paul Reynolds, the neoconconservative PNAC aimed to promote American 'hegemony' and 'full-spectrum' dominance in its publications."

"New Pearl Harbor"

"Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled 'Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force', includes the sentence: 'Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor'".

"Seven Countries in Five Years"

"In an interview with Amy Goodman on March 2, 2007, U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.), explains that the Bush Administration planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, Iran."

"Hubris": New Documentary Reexamines the Iraq War "Hoax"

Karl Rove to Suskind:

"Guys like you are in--what we call--'the reality-based community'. You believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." "That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Bad Job

"WASHINGTON, June 14, 2004 (HalliburtonWatch.org) -- Five former Halliburton employees and one former executive of a Halliburton subcontractor describe egregious examples of abuse involving Halliburton's Iraq contracts. In a letter written by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA), these whistleblowers describe instances where Halliburton employees would abandon or torch new trucks -- worth $80,000 -- if they acquired a flat tire or other minor mechanical problems. Halliburton would subsequently purchase new trucks with U.S. taxpayer dollars."

Police militarization expo Urban Shield descends on Oakland (VIDEO)

"SWAT teams, military contractors and law enforcement from the world over are gathering this weekend in Oakland, CA for the annual event Urban Shield, a training and weapons expo made possible by the Department of Homeland Security and arms manufacturers."

(Protest supression techniques were evidently discussed and shared.)

Michigan's Koch / "tea party" "emergency manager" legislation:

Starting in 2011, Rachel Maddow broke several stories detailing (then) unbelievable agenda in Michigan, starting with Governor Rick Snyder giving himself the power to destroy the funding of Michigan cities and also to then declare any city in trouble, such as may be caused by such de-funding, to then be under the dictatorial power of an "emergency manager". Set up, knock down:

Please watch the above. Even the first two minutes are imperative.

So basically, the Governor of Michigan since early 2011 is purposely de-funding cities and then declaring them emergencies in order to install "emergency managers" with dictatorial power. Such powers and plans just happen to be exceedingly beneficial to the 1%. Ahem. And it gets worse.

The leaked 2006 Citigroup Plutonomy memo Part 1

Findings revealed in the memo:
-The economies of the US, UK, and Canada are driven by the very rich, not everyone else combined
-They enjoy specific modes of growth (Globalization and politics used to insure it [the Trans Pacific Partnership])
-Threats to their growth (historic models reveal trends and outcomes predicting the Occupy movement or similar; weaknesses of Plutonomy)
-Equities are the main asset of the rich; homes are that of the rest. The housing bubble and the illegal foreclosure engine do not harm the rich; on the contrary
-Methods of Plutonomy self-protection include direct corporate influence of the political process (Citizens United, oppression of Occupy, formation of the “tea party”, etc.)
-The very rich profit from the spy technology revolution (TSA scanners, militarization of police, etc.) which also provides for social control and the oppression of dissent (Occupy, etc.).
-As the economy is driven by the rich, the challenge is to switch that to one driven by the 99%.
The memo does not even include mention of the corporate alliance ALEC who are writing laws which are being passed in various states, such as “stand your ground” and “right to work”. Corporations writing laws. The TPP are a global version of this and we do not get to vote.
This is WWIII. It is economic, it has long since begun, and it is the 1% against all the rest of us.


Page 17, “The Risks to Plutonomy”. 

-Financial collapse
-Ending technological revolution
-Political pressure to end the increase in income and wealth inequality
-Destroy globalisation
-Destroy right-wing, anti-immigration political parties which support the rise in profit share/fall in wage share
Page 18
-Call for relaxing immigration controls/deportation
-”The political process is the greatest threat to Plutonomy.”
-Page 21 lists equity strategies. “Equities are the main asset of the rich.” -Page 12 of the memo. So, attack equities.
Of course, it says that the rich actually drive the economy, and the economy mainly serves the rich. So live outside the economy and destroy the economy.

"The risks to Plutonomy: Finally, political pressure to end the increase in income and wealth inequality."

"Perhaps the most immediate challenge to Plutonomy comes from the political process. Ultimately, the rise in income and wealth inequality to some extent is an economic disenfrachisement of the masses to the benefit of the few. However in democracies this is rarely tolerated forever."

“We see the biggest threat to Plutonomy as coming from a rise in political demands to reduce income inequality, spread the wealth more evenly, and challenge forces such as globalization which have benefited profit and wealth growth.”

Page 18:

"So is Plutonomy under threat politically? We are keeping an eye on this one. At the moment it is too early to make this call. ...does not resonate as a population determined to destroy wealth inequality."

"While there are challenges to this, not least through populations/the political process demanding a more 'equitable' share of the wealth, in the short term we think the trend of the rich getting richer is likely to persist."

Wealth Inequality in America:

PD Tanks

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Activism Media Skill Share Group

"Don't plan to be viral; plan to be awesome." ~Alissa Kokkins

Los Angeles Occupier, livestreamer and social media activist Patti Beers organized an event  featuring several hours of ideas and information regarding growing our skillsets and the importance of so doing! Kudos to everyone for a great event, looking forward to the next meeting/stream!

Facebook event page:


Activism Media Skill Share Chart

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Police Department Spying and Retaliation for the Surveillance State

"...there was no division between corporate spying and government spying." ~Noam Chomsky on Jeremy Hammond's Stratfor revelations

"They're going to nationalize police departments. That's your military coup!" ~John Trudell 

The collection of data regarding all citizens of America has been revealed to be egregiously intrusive and totalitarian despite a 2013 promise by Obama that nothing of the sort is occurring.

Obama To Leno: 'There Is No Spying On Americans'

Of course, Obama has made it possible:

Obama White House had NSA limits reversed

(2011) "The Obama administration quietly got a court to undo U.S. surveillance limits on the use of intercepted phone calls and emails, The Washington Post reported."

Of course, anyone who by this time does not fully understand Obama to be a complete and utter traitor to the American people is somehow not paying actual attention. Browse this blog for more if for some reason you still don't get it.

Most recently egregious is Seattle PD's attempt to set up their own mesh net across the city, one which like the later-mentioned "Sting Ray" technology, would allow them to continuously ping the location of any citizen with a cell phone or WiFi device.

Continuous, total spying upon citizen location and movement. Stored for later use against you. Let that sink in. This is Fascism, pure and simple. This is so completely beyond acceptable it is ridiculous. I initially did not forward the stories I saw regarding it, believing it to be conspiracy theory.

Seattle police deactivate surveillance system after public outrage

"Police in Seattle, Washington have responded to a major public outcry by disabling a recently discovered law enforcement tool that critics said could be used to conduct sweeping surveillance across the city.

...The SPD told The Stranger previously that the system was not being used, but anyone with a smart phone who wandered through the jurisdiction covered by the digital nodes could still notice that their devices were being discovered by the internet-broadcasting boxes, just as a person’s iPhone or Android might attempt to connect to any network within reach. In theory, law enforcement could take the personal information transmitted as the two devices talk to each other and use that intelligence to triangulate the location of a person, even within inches. 

When the SPD was approached about the system last week, they insisted that it wasn’t even in operation yet. David Ham of Seattle’s KIRO-7 News asked, however, how come 'we could see these network names if it’s not being used?'

'Well, they couldn’t give us an explanation,' Ham said at the time." 


Privacy Concerns, Black Bars, and Seattle’s Municipal Mesh Net Project

Much more:

The Stranger: You Are a Rogue Device

Much much more:

Trapwire surveillance system exposed in document leak

"Papers released by WikiLeaks show US department of homeland security paid $832,000 to deploy system in two cities." via @SeattlePrivacy

Indiana State Police tracking cellphones - but won't say how or why

"This year, the Indiana State Police paid $373,995 for a device that law enforcement personnel have described as a powerful tool in the fight against crime and terrorism.

It could allow investigators in a surveillance vehicle to park in a crowded area and track the movements of anyone nearby with a cellphone and capture the numbers of people’s incoming and outgoing calls and text messages.

...But officials at Indiana’s largest police agency aren’t saying what they do with the technology; they’re mum on whose data they’ve collected so far; and they’re not talking about what steps they take to safeguard the data."

DC, Maryland and Virginia cops spying on cell phone data

"WASHINGTON, D.C. (WUSA) -- It's not just the NSA - local cops are mining the cell phone data to reveal the location, identity and call information of hundreds of people at a time -- whether they're suspected of criminal activity or not.
In a joint investigation with Gannett television stations across the country and USA Today, WUSA9 obtained documents that show police in Fairfax County, Montgomery County and the Metropolitan Police in DC have purchased cell phone spy gear capable of tracking your whereabouts - even if you're not the one being investigated."

Cellphone spying technology being used throughout Northern California

"At least seven law enforcement agencies in California are using controversial technology that allows them to secretly collect data from cellphones and track people, News10 has learned."

Secret Military Device ‘Hailstorm’ Used By Michigan Police, FOIA Request By Detroit News Denied

"‘HailStorm’ is a new device obtained by the Oakland County Sheriff with monies from a U.S. Homeland Security Grant and so far, there isn’t much information available on what exactly it can and cannot do.  There were no questions asked when Oakland County commissioners unanimously approved the use of this cellphone tracking device previously used by the US military in Iraq."

Mysterious Phony Cell Towers Could Be Intercepting Your Calls

"To show what the CryptoPhone can do that less expensive competitors cannot, he points me to a map that he and his customers have created, indicating 17 different phony cell towers known as “interceptors,” detected by the CryptoPhone 500 around the United States during the month of July alone. (The map below is from August.)  Interceptors look to a typical phone like an ordinary tower.  Once the phone connects with the interceptor, a variety of 'over-the-air' attacks become possible, from eavesdropping on calls and texts to pushing spyware to the device."

LICENSE PLATE READERS are becoming standard issue equipment for PDs across the country, but there are severe down-sides in terms of collecting and correlating data on citizens:

License plate data not just for cops: Private companies are tracking your car

“'This sort of constant surveillance makes it very dangerous for us as a society,' said Michael Katz-Lacabe, a network security engineer and member of the San Leandro, Calif., school board.

Katz-Lacabe has first-hand experience with the reach of LPR data – police cameras in San Leandro captured his two vehicles more than 100 times over two years, which he discovered from a public records request in 2010. In one of the images, he and his daughters are stepping out of the family’s Toyota Prius in their driveway."



Privacy’s worst nightmare: company advertises over one billion license plate records

Boston police halt license tracking system as media probe points to privacy violations

Homeland Security is seeking a national license plate tracking system


Los Angeles Cops Argue All Cars in LA Are Under Investigation



Bringing the argument home about domestic spying

By Dan Bluemel, laactivist.com

"Since March 2008, LAPD officers have been reporting on behavior they believe to have a nexus to terrorism. In what are called suspicious activity reports, or SARs, officers report on what the department considers suspicious behavior. Through another police program, called iWatch, civilians too can report on suspicious behavior.

The behavior being reported by police may be as innocuous — and legal — as taking photographs of buildings or inquiring about its hours of operation. The reports garnered from these two programs are sent to fusion centers where they are shared with local, state and national law enforcement agencies across the nation.

...Besides the SARs and iWatch programs, the LAPD also has several cameras positioned around the city that use TrapWire technology, a predictive software that can allegedly detect suspicious behavior in connection with terrorism.

Another technology employed by the LAPD is a suitcase-sized device called StingRay. It mimics a cell phone tower, tricking every cell phone in a neighborhood into connecting to it. Once connected, police can grab information from everyone’s phone in the area, not just the suspects.

StingRay was purchased with Dept. of Homeland Security Funds. It was meant for counterterrorism, but according to documents obtained by LA Weekly, in 2012, the LAPD used StingRay 21 times within four-months in burglary, drug and murder investigations."

Photographers beware! Big Brother is watching you

"Photographers, both amateur and professional, as well as tourists, artists, college students, contractors, engineers, journalists, activists and others, have been secretly reported to the FBI by Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies for nothing more than taking pictures, according to documents obtained from a public records request filed by the ACLU of Southern California."

Complete breaches of the Fourth Amendment

DNA samples taken at police checkpoint ‘gross abuse of power,’ say PA drivers

"A Pennsylvania community is asking questions after a government contractor, with help from the local police, pulled drivers off the road and into a parking lot to ask about their driving and – most notably – pressure them into providing a DNA sample."
Now they have our DNA as well. Another list upon which they want all of us to be. Total information awareness against the people of this country.

Note the wording of the Fourth Amendment:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Not any more:

Texas judge: Search warrants can be obtained based on predictions of future crimes

"Police in Texas may now obtain a search warrant based on 'a prediction of a future crime,' according to a dissenting judge on the state’s criminal appeals court." 

Police to Begin Inspecting Homes For “Illegal Tenants”

 "The community of Westbury, NY has announced the creation of a new police task force to inspect people’s homes unannounced in search of 'illegal tenants.' The town of 15,000 will hire two new police officers and recently held a town meeting about the new 'zero tolerance policy' against renting rooms illegally. The task force – aptly named the Housing Enforcement Unit – is calling these tenants 'unpermitted guests.' And by 'illegal' they don’t mean immigrants – they mean anyone not on the mortgage or lease agreement."  

Boston Transit Police Conducts Warrantless Searches on All Bus, Subway Riders
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/boston-transit-police-conducts-warrantless-searches-bus-subway-riders/#RJPByxvlx9GAF4to.99

Boston transit police conducts warrantless searches on all bus, subway riders

Supreme Court: Pennsylvania cops no longer need a warrant to search citizens’ vehicles

Boston Transit Police Conducts Warrantless Searches on All Bus, Subway Riders
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/boston-transit-police-conducts-warrantless-searches-bus-subway-riders/#RJPByxvlx9GAF4to.99
Boston Transit Police Conducts Warrantless Searches on All Bus, Subway Riders
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/boston-transit-police-conducts-warrantless-searches-bus-subway-riders/#RJPByxvlx9GAF4to.99


If police (and through them, the Feds and the corporations and money interests controlling the Feds) do not like you, they may use surveillance data to cause you suffering and harm...especially if you are protesting the trade show promoting the deadly militarization of police:

"Last Friday, the City Corporation of Oakland hosted a four day ‘Urban Shield‘ conference in which SWAT teams and other militarized police troops from around the globe came together to trade best practices on fighting terrorism, first response training, and of course protest suppression techniques.

...In an effort to either silence a vocal activist or just plain out fuck with his life, Oakland police secretly photographed one protester’s vehicle and sent the photos, along with one of the protester himself, to his employer. According to @Anon4justice on Twitter, OPD falsely accused him of being involved in a hit-and-run accident, which contributed to the dissident losing his job. (Side note; Anon4justice called in sick that day to be able to join his comrades in the streets.)"

¤ProletarianDissent¤ @Anon4justice 

They found out the garage I parked in and got pics of my truck. Also got me at the rally.

"Nine-foot tall, 55,000 pound, Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) armored-fighting vehicles rolling through the streets of America.
Millions of dollars’ worth of military gear being distributed to local police forces on an annual basis.
Drones, M-16s and so many other hand-me-downs from over a decade of war making their way from US forces abroad to a local police force near you."


DHS Spy Files on the Occupy Movement Part 2


The FBI and the "patriot act" define "domestic terrorism" as:

"A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act...if the act appears to be intended to: 

(i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population..."

How the USA PATRIOT Act redefines "Domestic Terrorism"

How then are the Federal and local police department actions against Occupy and Anon4justice not domestic terrorism? How is tracking every citizen's every minute location and documenting it photographically not intended to intimidate and coerce, to play upon fear and paranoia? To get us to SHUT UP AND GO HOME AND STAY THERE and allow the powers that be to continue their path without checks or balances?

If there is a price to be paid for voicing your 1st Amendment rights, if there is an obvious risk in so doing, something may be terribly wrong.



riot police guard BofA during occupy la march

occupy portland Steve Dipaola Reuters

Occupy Denver AP Photo Leah Millis

Police brutality at Occupy Philly

OWS Chase-Police-State
Complete breaches of the Fourth Amendment

Occupy Denver, Craig F. Walker, The Denver Post

Democratic National Convention

PD Tanks

Toledo Police Tank

Toledo, Ohio

Jefferson CO tank

Jefferson County, Colorado

AP exclusive finds 165 MRAP vehicles used in Iraq handed to local police departments

"These are not the first armored military vehicles given to U.S. police departments. A little-known 1033 program, originating from the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997, allows the Department of Defense to donate what it considers surplus military equipment to police and sheriff departments, Michael Shank and Elizabeth Beavers wrote in The Guardian. A total of $4.2 billion in such equipment, including tanks and grenade launchers, has been donated so far."

NH legislator introduces bill to stop small-town cops from buying tanks

Iowa town given 49,000 pound MRAP


How the Los Angeles Police Department are made into tentacles of Homeland Security.

ACLU Launches Nationwide Police Militarization Investigation

10 000 cops ordered on to Sofia streets to contain anti-government protests

Stop LAPD Spying! 

Forget the NSA, the LAPD Spies on Millions of Innocent Folks 

Yes, Virginia, there is a police state

Utah considers law to increase SWAT raid transparency

No Man's Air: Military And Police Drones Proliferate In Latin America

Hedges: Jeremy Hammond Exposed State's Plan to Criminalize Democratic Dissent 

"JAY: So, quickly, for people--most of our viewers must know this, but quickly, just what is it that Jeremy exposed?

HEDGES: He broke into the private security firm known as Stratfor, which does work for a variety of intelligence agencies--for the Marine Corps and the Defense Department, the Pentagon, but also for corporations, including Raytheon, Dow Chemical, and others. And he turned over 3 million emails, email exchanges within the company to Rolling Stone, WikiLeaks, and other publications. Now, this was quite a significant dump, because it illustrated two or three very chilling things about the security and surveillance state, first of all that there was no division between corporate spying and government spying. It was seamless, including the same people going back and forth. It was from that dump that we realized the extent to which the Occupy movement was being spied upon and infiltrated and monitored and followed. And we also found from those email exchanges that there was a concerted attempt on the part of security officials, both inside the government and within the private security contracting agency, to link, falsely, nonviolent dissident groups with terrorist groups so that they could apply terrorism laws against these groups.

And when I sued Barack Obama over Section 1021 of the National National Defense Authorization Act, which permits the U.S. military, overturning 150 years of domestic law, to seize U.S. citizens who 'substantially' support--that is not a legal term, it's not material support, it's an amorphous term--'substantially' support al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or something called associated forces--again another nebulous term--hold those citizens in military facilities without due process indefinitely, part of the email exchanges were entered as evidence in my case. And those email exchanges showed that this private security firm, along with government officials, was attempting to link a group called U.S. Day of Rage, founded by a journalist and activist named Alexa O'Brien, who was one of my coplaintiffs, with al-Qaeda. And why were they trying to link that group with al-Qaeda? So that they could employ the draconian terrorism laws against nonviolent democratic dissidents. That all came out from Hammond."


"They're going to nationalize police departments. That's your military coup!"

Friday, October 25, 2013

Goldman Sachs making the US like Greece, Italy, Spain...

Ted Cruz, who led the recent "shutdown" of the government, is apparently married to a VP of Goldman Sachs (who was part of the Bush/Cheney crew as well). Would GS and the 1% in league with them tip the US into the same condition they've managed to introduce in Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, and more European countries? Sure they would. The systematic, incremental elimination of the US Constitution is an important part of it, as is their corruption of politics away from the will of The People, as is the installation of the "surveillance state" which is intended with the flip of a switch to become a police state, one designed to protect the 1% from any populist uprising or even criticism, much less investigation and reporting and justice.
The surveillance state was built under our noses, even more cleverly than building a Trojan Horse to be brought into the city (how do you enter an impenetrable fortress? Get invited). This all goes back to Bush family and their Neocon buddies at the PNAC with their need for "a new Pearl Harbor" from which to launch their machinations. A Bush family member then ignored "Bin Laden determined to strike within the US" daily Presidential briefing and viola, reason to install the mechanisms through which to increase income inequality and to establish NGOs as powerful as the actual government (the Bush family's Booz Allen Hamilton, theirs through a 2/3ds share via their Carlyle Group, has many staff members acting as advisors in government).

The so-called "shutdown" benefits the 1% desire to damage or even fully topple any country's government to enable deregulation, usury, power grabs, you name it. Get people mad enough at government and they'll topple it for you, paving the way for your little plans. They WANT another populist uprising through which they may install the police state meant to protect themselves and to grab all that power and money. 

If you are not yet aware of these please read them:

The Confidential Memo at the Heart of the Global Financial Crisis http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/larry-summers-and-the-secret-end-game-memo

The 1% are ripping the shit out of us http://occupyobservations.blogspot.com/2013/08/the-1-are-ripping-shit-out-of-us.html

And from my page on the leaked Citigroup Plutonomy memos:

Plutonomy's plan for America resembles Greece, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal...
Goldman Sachs timeline, conquests:


Voila! Greek Gov't Appoints Ex-Goldman Exec As New Debt Chief



Arrest the Criminals at Goldman Sachs and in the Greek Government (video: Greg Palast)


Also Italy's Prime Minister; the former attorney general of Ireland during the bailout; the head of the European Central Bank; and more:


The 2008 economic collapse was planned, a smash-and-grab to destablize the country. Disaster Capitalism. The Shock Doctrine. What has been done to Greece, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Spain, is being done to America.

And why not America?

Citi Offered Jack Lew A Big Bonus To Secure A 'High-Level' Government Position
"It's not uncommon for a U.S. Treasury Secretary to have served on Wall Street, but what's interesting about this next one is that his bank gave him a pretty significant financial incentive make the leap."
(Analyze the similarities between what was done in those countries versus what has happened here.)
Plutonomists say in the memo that they prosper from right-wing, anti-immigration politics so why not work to install such when it does not hurt the Plutonomists in the process? In countries whose economy is not already dominated by them, why not drive the population to rebel against government (through brazen “austerity” measures) and even overthrow it, providing opportunity for the Plutonomists to install the right-wing, anti-immigration model they prefer?
Remember when Bush family friends OPEC embargo'd Democratic President Jimmy Carter, personally inconveniencing most Americans to the point of beginning to attack each other over places in gas lines? Then Saint Ronald Reagan was then installed, beginning their long process of destroying America's middle class and unions.

Oddly enough, Enron pulled the same stunt in California and got Republican Arnold Schwarzenneger installed, who immediately attacked infrastructure (nurses, firefighters, health and mental health care, etc.)

Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel wants to run for US president. Mind you, =former Goldman Sachs employee= Rahm Emmanuel wants to run for US president. Ahem.

(End of quote from Plutonomy Memo page)


The Bush family, their friends the Saudis looking to divest from peak oil, Citigroup and their Plutonomy, Goldman Sachs world-wide...the 1% are attempting a literal take-over based upon what's worked in Europe. More:

The leaked 2006 Citigroup Plutonomy memo Part 1 http://occupyobservations.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-leaked-2006-citigroup-plutonomy-memo.html

It would be the most utter folly to imagine Obama will do anything to stop any of this; he is a tool and product of billionaire Penny Pritzker, whom he appointed to high government position. Many if not most on Obama's staff take huge donations from Goldman Sachs; Hillary Clinton's was over $400K!

The "Fed" is a privately-owned bank to which the United States is trillions of dollars in debt, largely through the repeated Bush family wars which were no doubt directly intended to create the debt which shall be soon used as the lever through which to force "austerity" upon us. Oops, there's no money, better cut everything for the poor...and we have Europe in the US along with its social destablization which is intended to open the door to the 1%'s far-right government representatives such as "golden dawn" in Greece...actual neo-NAZIs, for fuck's sake, in government. Very good for eliminating government policies limiting corporate profits and profit models. All planned.

This just in:

Invisible People ‏@invisiblepeople

Food stamps will get cut by $5 billion this week — and more cuts could follow


Partnership between Facebook and police could make planning protests impossible

Cliff Potts ‏@cliffpotts

Police militarization expo Urban Shield descends on Oakland (VIDEO) — RT USA:

http://rt.com/usa/urban-shield-police-militarization-762/#.Umw8IkujbnE.twitter …

Friday, October 11, 2013

I for one do not welcome our new "austerity" overlords

So finally, here is the "austerity" about which I've been screaming for years that they'd implement in America after having used Europe as a proving ground. It consists of defunding and cancelling government services for the poor while continuing to pay themselves and generate handouts to big business as usual. Most important are the further cuts to social programs for the poor which are destined to come under the explanation "there's no money" so we have to cut services further (and usually re-route those monies into their own pockets).

Such self-sustaining services as the Post Office and Social Security are under attack because of 1% desires to privatize and steal. This has been the long-term plan.

Signs and trends to note: No cuts to bailouts and the rich, further cuts to the poor, claims of no money, deaths and unrest amongst the poor. This is the sadism of the 1%, who =want= another populist uprising in order to flip the surveillance state over into the police state it was always intended to become (Trojan Horse ploy).

More information:

The Confidential Memo at the Heart of the Global Financial Crisis

The 1% are ripping the shit out of us http://occupyobservations.blogspot.com/2013/08/the-1-are-ripping-shit-out-of-us.html 

The leaked 2006 Citigroup Plutonomy memo Part 1 http://occupyobservations.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-leaked-2006-citigroup-plutonomy-memo.html 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The next populist uprising

I've seen it over and over on Occupy and related actions and marches: those targeted for protest call the police or sheriffs, who come and only see a problem to be solved, disorder, non-compliance. They know nothing of the =reason= for the protest, and care nothing for the reason. They're ordered not to listen to explanations. It's all an adrenaline rush to them and a "job well done" following orders. Orders which in extremis give us Kent State. And thanks to obedient, unquestioning police and sheriffs (and Feds), the target of protest (Constitutional 1st Amendment freedoms here) remains untouched and business as usual continues.

The majority of those who marched with Occupy will already know this. Those who have been marching for years long since understand this. This is a facet of "the machine", the socio-economic engine rigged to benefit the rich and powerful.

In the event of a new populist uprising, which is indeed building in this and other countries due to increasing and expanding income and opportunity inequality, the surveillance state can reveal its police state flip side, one fully intended by those who installed the surveillance state in the first place to protect their empire building from those actually living within the empire. They WANT a reason to reveal and enable the police state (which would not fully appear as a typical police state; they have been installing Fascism in increments to lessen the appearance of Fascism, having studied history to learn from previous mistakes and successes).

How may we resist and overcome without triggering their violence engine and further justifications of violence and laws against freedom?

Climate change drives this point further home as food prices will continue to increase. The Bush war debt of trillions of dollars will be used (as fully intended) to force "austerity" upon us as has been done in Europe to vast profit. The very rich are behind the "government shutdown" and it shows their growing power in the political process, which they have effectively hijacked from the people of this country. This is another driving force for uprising. It is inevitable. How will we do so to OUR best benefit, we, the people of this country? Never forget, the root of the word "Democracy" is "The will and the voice of the People". This is OUR country, not of and for the Plutonomy.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Reasons to say NO to "Hillary 2016"

   "(Hillary) Clinton offered a message that the collected plutocrats found reassuring. What the bankers heard her to say was just what they would hope for from a prospective presidential candidate..."

Hillary Clinton Tells Wall Street She Believes Anti-Wall Street Rhetoric ‘Foolish’

    "In 1992, a 44-year-old attorney made the following remarkable assertion: 'For goodness' sake, you can't be a lawyer if you don't represent banks.'" HERE

    "'If it turns out to be Jeb versus Hillary we would love that and either outcome would be fine,' one top Republican-leaning Wall Street lawyer said over lunch in midtown Manhattan last week." HERE

    "Hours after Hillary Clinton vowed to crack down on Wall Street, an adviser said she has no plans to push a bank break-up bill beloved by the left." HERE  

Hillary Clinton Rebuffs Liberals’ Push to Break Up Banks

US Sells Three-Fourths of Arms Worldwide (Hillary's State Department)

Hillary Clinton: "It's Time to Start Thinking of Iraq as a Business Opportunity"

Key Democrats, Led by Hillary Clinton, Leave No doubt that Endless War is Official U.S. Doctrine

NEW EVIDENCE: Hillary’s State Dept. Functioned As D.C. Branch of Clinton Foundation

No more than 44 percent of Clinton’s followers were actually real, active users of Twitter. 

BUSTED: Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls

Clinton Supporters Coordinate Massive Removal Of Pro Sanders Facebook Groups

Hillary Clinton and Goldman Sachs' Lord Blankcheck at Women Entrepreneurs CGI2014:

Hillary Blankfein

“I very much was supportive of Hillary Clinton the last go-round,” he said. “I held fundraisers for her.” ~Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein

Hillary Podesta campaign corporate Source

Troubling Number of Hillary’s Superdelegates are Actual Lobbyists



This is a living document and will be updated as required. It is highly useful to connect donors and donations to her campaign and Foundation to her actions and favors done: arms deals, fracking, Monsanto, KeystoneXL...she's hired KeystoneXL and Monsanto lobbyists to work on her campaign!
 Too many are starting to declare Hillary for president in 2016. Considering that when you voted for Obama you got a corporate-owned puppet strongly interested in forwarding their goals, WHY DO YOU IMAGINE HILLARY WOULD BE ANY DIFFERENT???
 A quick review: 
 2013: Obama To Leno: 'There Is No Spying On Americans'
 2011: Obama administration had restrictions on NSA reversed in 2011
 2012: 3rd Quarter Corporate Profits Reach Record High-Worker Pay Hits Record Low
2013:  Obama Told Aides He's 'Really Good At Killing People,' New Book 'Double Down' Claims 
2008: “I would call my attorney general in and review every single executive order issued by George Bush and overturn those laws or executive decisions that I feel violate the constitution,” said candidate Obama.
Plus Obama using drones to murder United States citizens in foreign countries with whom we are not at war, destroying entire sections of the US Constitution in the process, as well as twice signing and sending lawyers to defend the unConstitutional NDAA section 1021 allowing the indefinite detention of anyone anywhere with neither trial nor representation, allowing DHS to declare they can seize personal electronics anywhere along the border and up to 100 miles inland on a "hunch", destroying more sections of the Constitution...harm to the Constitution is a specific Trend of this administration.

And you thought you were voting for a democrat. 
Now Hillary? 
Let's review a little about Bill:
-Worked with Larry Summers and Rubin; ended Glass-Steagall which opened the way for banksters to create the 2008 crash/bailout

Bill Clinton defends repeal of Glass-Steagall
-Signed NAFTA which outsourced an estimated 1,000,000 American jobs and gave corporations legal power against lawsuits
-Is now extremely chummy with the Bush disaster family who are behind much of the neocon-related trouble we are continuing to experience
-Now says to "embrace" the massively destructive KeystoneXL pipeline:
A pipeline which would save the Koch Brothers some $2 billion per year versus the Venezuelan crude they currently purchase, and it would add $45 billion to each of their portfolios:

so wtf is up with that? I note that "representatives" both "democratic" and "republican" own up to half a million dollars investments in the pipeline and the tarsands which will feed it, one of them Susan Rice, appointed to high office by Obama:
Roll call for representatives with financial investment in the tarsands and TransCanada's KeystoneXL  
I would be VERY interested to learn if the Clintons have any financial or peripheral investment in these issues.
EDIT Feb. 20 2015, July 17 2015: 

Clinton's top campaign financiers are linked to Big Oil, natural gas and the Keystone pipeline.

So the Clintons are in the Koch brothers' pockets. Back to the original post:
This just in: The KeystoneXL pipeline will make the Koch brothers the two richest persons in the entire world....

"Secretary of State Clinton, whose friend and former staffer Paul Elliot is a lobbyist for TransCanada, had worked behind the scenes to ease the way for commercial exploitation of this, the world's highest-carbon-emitting oil,  53% of which is owned by America's Koch brothers. (Koch Industries owns 63% of the tar sands, and the Koch brothers own 86% of Koch Industries; Elaine Marshall, who is the widow of the son of the deceased Koch partner J. Howard Marshall, owns the remaining 14% of Koch Industries.)
David Goldwyn, who was former Secretary Clinton's Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs, is yet another  lobbyist for TransCanada. So, TransCanada has two of Hillary Clinton's friends working for it. Elliot and Goldwyn worked with Clinton's people to guide them on selecting a petroleum industry contractor (not an environmental firm or governmental agency) to prepare the required environmental impact statement for the proposed pipeline. 

Secretary Clinton's State Department allowed the environmental impact statement on the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline to be performed by a petroleum industry contractor that was chosen by the company that was proposing to build and own the pipeline, TransCanada."

A former Keystone XL lobbyist just joined Team Hillary

"...more than $1 million in payments to Mr. Clinton by a Canadian bank and major shareholder in the Keystone XL oil pipeline around the time the project was being debated in the State Department." 
New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation


What about the Fracking lobby?  

"A trove of secret documents details the US government's global push for shale gas."

Where does Hillary Clinton stand on fracking?

"Under her leadership, the State Department worked closely with energy companies to spread fracking around the globe..."



What about pushing US weapons sales around the world while in the State Department? 
"Overseas weapons sales by the United States totaled $66.3 billion last year, or more than three-quarters of the global arms market, valued at $85.3 billion in 2011. Russia was a distant second, with $4.8 billion in deals." HERE 

So Hillary is out there pushing weapons sales, especially to countries which donate to her Foundation? Absolutely. The Saudis have donated up to $25 million to the Foundation since its inception. Hillary Clinton began at the state department in 2009. The state department until from 2010 and 2014 sold the Saudis some $100 BILLION dollars in weapons, which they are now using to wage a proxy war for the US against Yemen. Sure, the democrats are against war and war profiteering and call out their peers when they do it. 

Hillary says critic israel is antisemetic aipac Source

Hillary syria war with iran for israel Source. Please remember that Syria is a long-term neocon target.



    And Walmart?

    Clinton Remained Silent As Wal-Mart Fought Unions

    "In six years as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, between 1986 and 1992, Hillary Clinton remained silent as the world's largest retailer waged a major campaign against labor unions seeking to represent store workers." 

    Here’s Walmart’s Internal Guide To Fighting Unions And Monitoring Workers

    "Leaked internal documents show that Walmart’s strategy for fighting to keep its workers from forming unions includes instructing managers to report suspicious activity and warning workers that joining OUR Walmart could hurt them."  

    Wal-Mart Has $76 Billion in Undisclosed Overseas Tax Havens


    “'As a shareholder and director of our company, I’m always proud of Wal-Mart and what we do and the way we do it better than anybody else,' current Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in a speech in 1990, when she was first lady of Arkansas." ~Via Truthdig

    Here's Walmart billionaire Alice Walton giving more than $353,000 to the "Hillary Victory Fund" 
    Lies? Unethical behaviour? 
    Watergate-Era Judiciary Chief of Staff: Hillary Clinton Fired For Lies, Unethical Behavior  
    “Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
    I have been alerted to the possibility that the above information is biased and possibly untrue so I'm linking to this Snopes article about it so the reader may decide.

    During Honduras Crisis, Clinton Suggested Back Channel With Lobbyist Lanny Davis


    Hillay uses private prison lobbyistsPrivate Prison Lobbyists Are Fundraising for Hillary Clinton

    "Poor people, especially those of color, are worth nothing to corporations and private contractors if they are on the street. In jails and prisons, however, they each can generate corporate revenues of $30,000 to $40,000 a year. This use of the bodies of the poor to make money for corporations fuels the system of neoslavery that defines our prison system."

    WATCH: Clinton Throws Out Black Lives Matter Activists During Speech On Race

    Hillary three strikes prisons Gyasi Ross

    Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote

    The above article is a superb and extremely important read. There is far too much I'd wish to quote here; it would take up the majority of this page!

    How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?


    Hillary is rooted in conservatism and is proud to have been a Goldwater Girl. Goldwater strongly opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 


    What about the PNAC/neocon/Military-Industrial Complex's plans? 
    "...Maine’s independent Sen. Angus King said: 'This is the most astounding and most astoundingly disturbing hearing that I’ve been to since I’ve been here. You guys have essentially rewritten the Constitution today.' Former Bush DOJ lawyer Jack Goldsmith – himself an ardent advocate of broad presidential powers – was at the hearing and noted that nobody even knows against whom this endless war is being waged: 'Amazingly, there is a very large question even in the Armed Services Committee about who the United States is at war against and where, and how those determinations are made.'” 
    Exclusive: Secret tapes undermine Hillary Clinton on Libyan war 
    How about outsourcing?
    The Clintons and Outsourcing
    Commentary: Hillary Clinton Lied About Outsourcing, Too
    NDTV Exclusive: Hillary Clinton on FDI, Mamata, outsourcing, and Hafiz Saeed - Full transcript
    Her state department's backing of the TPP or Trans-Pacific Partnership should tell you all you need to know regarding her support of outsourcing. Especially since her husband cost the US an estimated 1,000,000 jobs with NAFTA. The TPP is far, far worse.  

    45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes


    How about the Clintons cozying up to the Bush disaster family?
    If you browse the articles on this blog you will see items against the Bush disaster family and their neocon agenda, one still being forwarded by "democrat" Obama. Hillary is to take money as the center-piece at a fund-raiser for the Bush family Carlyle Group. Note that through the Carlyle Group, the Bushes own a 2/3ds majority share in Booz Allen Hamilton, the $5 billion contracting agency ($23 million contracts with the Saudi navy, for example) at which Edward Snowden discovered the NSA misconduct against the people of this country. 
    Hillary Clinton to speak to Carlyle Group investors
    The Carlyle Group Has Made $2 Billion Off Of Booz Allen
    Snowden Says He Took Booz Allen Job Specifically to Gather NSA Secrets 
    This of course opens a can of worms: Do the Bush family have direct access to NSA tech and data through their majority share in Booz Allen Hamilton?
    Bill Clinton and friends:
    One will note the Saudis as very close Bush family friends; Hillary is becoming one as well: 
    Hillary's $500K Saudi jewelry 
    Considering that the Saudis are involved in a recent potential $10 billion arms deal, one blog wondered if this were a bribe toward a vote to go to war with Syria, which the Saudis have said they'd fund...(!)
    The following deals occurred during Hillary's State Department tenure, totalling some $100 billion:  
    2010: US secures record $60 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia 
    2011: With $30 Billion Arms Deal, U.S. Bolsters Saudi Ties 
    2013: U.S. near $10 billion arms deal with Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE  

    Clinton's foundation got millions from Saudis, Gates

    Hillary also worked at the Rose Law Firm which represented Monsanto. Obama appointed a Monsanto Executive to the FDA! 
    Monsanto and Hillary Clinton's Redemptive First Act as Secretary of State
    And how about an enormous donation from Goldman Sachs?

    "That's also not taking into account how much Goldman contributed to Obama cabinet member Hillary Clinton ($415,595.63 inflation adjusted), which was itself almost three times as much as Bush received as well."



    Goldman Sachs Gives Hillary Clinton Almost Half A Million Dollars In Less Than A Week

    Chelsea Clinton's Husband Launching His Own Hedge Fund With "Two Guys From Goldman"

    Does Hillary's Silence on Iran Deal Show Neocon Pull on Her Presidential Run?

    Goldman Sachs making the US like Greece, Italy, Spain...

    And if you imagine she'd shun those who took trillions of our tax dollars and put us into a Great Recession, you'd be very wrong:

    "But (Hillary) Clinton offered a message that the collected plutocrats found reassuring, according to accounts offered by several attendees, declaring that the banker-bashing so popular within both political parties was unproductive and indeed foolish. Striking a soothing note on the global financial crisis, she told the audience, in effect: We all got into this mess together, and we’re all going to have to work together to get out of it. What the bankers heard her to say was just what they would hope for from a prospective presidential candidate: Beating up the finance industry isn’t going to improve the economy—it needs to stop. And indeed Goldman’s Jim O’Neill, the laconic Brit who heads the bank’s asset management division, introduced Clinton by saying how courageous she was for speaking at the bank. (Brave, perhaps, but also well-compensated: Clinton’s minimum fee for paid remarks is $200,000).

    Certainly, Clinton offered the money men—and, yes, they are mostly men—at Goldman’s HQ a bit of a morale boost. 'It was like, ‘Here’s someone who doesn’t want to vilify us but wants to get business back in the game,’ said at an attendee. 'Like, maybe here’s someone who can lead us out of the wilderness.'”

    (Emphasis mine.)

    Not so oddly, Bill Clinton repealed Glass-Steagall, helping usher in the 2008 bankster bailout and crash, yet Hillary is cozying up to them all! Sense the Trend?

    Clinton’s Advisory Team Pressed for Wall Street Deregulation, Documents Show

    "Newly released documents from the Bill Clinton presidential library show two separate attempts by advisers, in 1995 and 1997, to hurry the president into supporting a repeal of Wall Street regulation. Clinton responded to the pressure with the Financial Services Modernization Act in 1999. The legislation, which tore down the Depression-era Glass-Steagall banking rules, has been blamed with helping to bring about the near-collapse of the banking industry in 2008 and creating the subsequent economic trouble that has cost taxpayers billions."

    Lament of the Plutocrats

    The Clintons and Their Banker Friends, 1992-2016

    Clintons to Meet With Foundation’s Big Donors Next Month (2014)

    "The most generous donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation will convene on June 6 at the Goldman Sachs headquarters in Lower Manhattan...

    Steve Bing, a Hollywood producer; the media mogul Haim Saban; and the hedge fund billionaire Marc Lasry have given generously to the Clintons’ political campaigns and their philanthropic causes. The foundation also receives millions of dollars in support from overseas donors who are barred from contributing to United States political campaigns, including Frank Giustra, a Canadian businessman, and Victor Pinchuk, a Ukrainian steel magnate."

    What about the Clinton Global Initiative? 

    "Before joining the Clinton Foundation, Harrison spent 22 years on Wall Street as an investment banker and attorney. He joined Goldman Sachs and Co. in 1987, where he became a partner in the firm's investment banking division and global co-head of its Communications, Media, and Entertainment group."

    Who’s Not on the Clinton Foundation Donor List? (2008)

    "The Washington Post points out that the governments of Saudi Arabia (more than $10 million), Norway ($5 million to $10 million), Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Oman ($1 million to $5 million apiece), Italy and Jamaica ($50,000 to $100,000 apiece) all ponied up. So did billionaires and business interest groups from Israel, China, India and Ethiopia, the former deputy prime minister of Lebanon, the son-in-law of the former prime minister of Ukraine and many, many more.

    The Blackwater Training Center threw in $10,000 to $25,000. The Post notes that military contractor Blackwater’s controversial deal with the State Department is up for renewal next year.

    (Aside: The Blackwater donation to the Clinton Foundation was in 2008. Hillary Clinton began her tenure at the State Department in 2009. Blackwater's contract was renewed on September 1, 2009.) HERE

    There’s also money from businesses at the center of the ongoing financial crisis, like Citigroup’s Citi Foundation ($1 million to $5 million), AIG ($500,000 to $1 million), Lehman Brothers ($100,000 to $250,000) and Goldman Sachs ($50,000 to $100,000). (Disclosure: The Sandler Foundation, ProPublica’s chief funders, are listed as giving $100,000 to $250,000.)"

    BLACKWATER!?!?!? The group who committed war crimes in 2007?

    Clinton Foundation’s Deep Financial Ties to Ukrainian Oligarch Revealed

    "Mr. Shoen id his lobbying was unrelated to the donations. 'We were not seeking to use any leverage or any connections or anything of the sort relating to the foundation,' he said."

    (Sort of like how Biden got his son on the board of a company in Ukraine...which is a hot point between Russia and the US in pursuit of natural gas, oil, and oil pipelines...meaning, a war zone.)

    181 Clinton Foundation donors who lobbied Hillary's State Department

    Hillary Clinton Approved Russian Uranium Deal After $2 Million Donation to Clinton Foundation

    Democrats Embrace Citizens United in Defense of Clinton

    * "While Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, Bill Clinton was paid $2.5 million by 13 corporations that lobbied the State Department. Ten of the firms paid him in the same three-month reporting period that they were lobbying Hillary Clinton's agency. Several of them received State Department contracts, worth a total of almost $40 million.

    * Hillary Clinton switched her position to back a controversial U.S.-Colombia free trade agreement as millions of dollars flowed into her foundation from an oil company operating in Colombia, and from that company's founder. Amid reports of violence against Colombian unionists, she also certified Colombia's human rights record, thereby releasing U.S. aid to the Colombian military.

    * Hillary Clinton's State Department delivered contracts and a prestigious human rights award to a technology firm that donated to the Clinton Foundation — despite allegations from human rights groups that the firm sold technology to the Chinese government that helped the regime commit human rights violations."

    Clinton Foundation donors include dozens of media organizations, individuals


    What about regarding the NSA's illegal spying upon American citizens and Edward Snowden's revelations?

    "Did Secretary of State Clinton know that such massive spying on the American people was going on and, if not, why isn’t she grateful that Snowden helped to enlighten her? With her scurrilous attacks on Snowden, Hillary Clinton is either a fool or a liar."

    Hillary Clinton Flaunts Her Surveillance State Baggage

    Hillary Clinton Sides with NSA over Snowden Disclosures

    How about her support of Zion war criminals?

    "...the senator and former first lady has 'an extremely consistent and strong record of support on issues that are important to the pro-Israel community.'
    'She is an extraordinary leader on those issues in the United States Senate'..."

    Clinton, Edwards Will Square Off At Aipac Tonight

    And if you like your food untested and unlabeled GMOs, Hillary is your hero!

    Hillary Clinton Taps Former Monsanto Lobbyist to Help Run 2016 Campaign for President - See more at: http://althealthworks.com/5460/hillary-clinton-hires-former-monsanto-lobbyist-to-work-on-2016-presidential-campaign/#sthash.cAlawPOB.dpuf
    Hillary Clinton Taps Former Monsanto Lobbyist to Help Run 2016 Campaign for President - See more at: http://althealthworks.com/5460/hillary-clinton-hires-former-monsanto-lobbyist-to-work-on-2016-presidential-campaign/#sthash.cAlawPOB.dpuf

    Hillary Clinton Goes to Bat for GMOs at Biotech Conference

    "Hillary Clinton's views on GMOs...are taken straight from the biotech industry's talking points." 

    Hillary Clinton Taps Former Monsanto Lobbyist to Help Run 2016 Campaign for President - See more at: http://althealthworks.com/5460/hillary-clinton-hires-former-monsanto-lobbyist-to-work-on-2016-presidential-campaign/#sthash.cAlawPOB.dpuf

    Hillary Clinton Hires Former Monsanto Lobbyist to Run Her Campaign


    Speaking of the Bush family and the neocon agenda, her recent statements sound like talking points taken directly from the PNAC (a neocon/conservative think-tank) : "In a recent op-ed in The Washington Post, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a review of Henry Kissinger’s latest book, 'World Order,' to lay out her vision for 'sustaining America’s leadership in the world.'”   

    Hard choices: Hillary Clinton admits role in Honduran coup aftermath

    And now, from the PNAC: "The PNAC's stated goal is 'to promote American global leadership.'[1] Fundamental to the PNAC were the view that 'American leadership is good both for America and for the world'".

    Much less her worship of "New World Order" monger Henry Kissinger, a monster if there ever were one.

    No more corporate empowerment and access to politics! No more corporate puppets!

    More reading:

    Reconsidering the Legacy of Bill Clinton: When the Democrats Turned Neoliberal

    "...we must mention what were likely the two most important actions/disasters of the Clinton administration in the economic realm, each of which has played a direct role in the continuation and indeed strengthening of Reaganomics and the increasing stranglehold that the GOP/Tea Party has over fiscal policy. First was the Repeal of the Depression era Glass-Steagall Act that had separated commercial and investment banking. That repeal of course led directly to the crash of 2008 from which millions of people on this country have never recovered and likely never will."

    Bill Clinton was First President to Suggest Iraq WMDs + Invasion

    Hillary Clinton supports the corporate-authored TPP 

    Hillary Clinton Charges University $225,000 for Speech on High Cost of Tuition 

    TMZ Mocks Not Ready for Hillary Protest?

    Hillary Clinton stands by her defense of 1975 rape suspect


    Flashback: When Democrats Swore They Would Never Back Gay Marriage



    The Media Fall for Hillary Clinton’s Gensler Gambit

    "Ignore the media crush on Gensler’s appointment. As campaign CFO for H. Clinton his job is the care and feeding of the DLC’s financial base – the finance industry. H. Clinton’s Gensler gambit is smart politics, but if you think it means she is seeking progressive advice you are being played – successfully." 

    Video Surfaces of Hillary Clinton Blaming Homeowners for Financial Crisis



    Hillary Clinton Taps Former Monsanto Lobbyist to Help Run 2016 Campaign for President - See more at: http://althealthworks.com/5460/hillary-clinton-hires-former-monsanto-lobbyist-to-work-on-2016-presidential-campaign/#sthash.cAlawPOB.dpuf