Wednesday, December 10, 2014

About Elisabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders...

''Liberals confirm what we've been saying for a while. Sanders and Warren running aren't about building an alternative to anything. It's about capturing radicalization and funneling it back into the Democrat Party, who will then crush it. Masters of Demobilization and status quo...." ~Douglas Frederick

Update April 2, 2015:

Elizabeth Warren: Give Hillary Clinton A Chance

So, the democrat who uses Occupy rhetoric to gain credibility then tells everyone to vote for Hillary Clinton, the most visibly corrupt Wall Street democrat... "It's about capturing radicalization and funneling it back into the Democrat Party, who will then crush it. Masters of Demobilization and status quo...."

Now Bernie has declared to run as a democrat. Mmm hmm.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So if you lose in this nomination fight, will you support the Democratic nominee?
SANDERS: Yes. I have in the past.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Not going to run as an independent?
SANDERS: No, absolutely not. I've been very clear about that.
"Vermont senator and ostensible socialist Bernie Sanders is playing the sheepdog candidate for Hillary Clinton this year. Bernie's job is to warm up the crowd for Hillary, herding activist energies and the disaffected left back into the Democratic fold one more time. Bernie aims to tie up activist energies and resources till the summer of 2016 when the only remaining choice will be the usual lesser of two evils."

Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Sheepdogging for Hillary and the Democrats in 2016

"History has shown repeatedly that reformism is a dead-end alley. There is not one example of a capitalist class simply relinquishing structures of power and the means of production to the working class. In other words, there is not one example of a capitalist regime being swiftly replaced by a socialist one in the absence of direct intervention by the masses in open confrontation with forces of the state.

He’s been dubbed a de facto democrat, casting 98 per cent of his votes with the Democratic Party. His experience in the Vermont Senate belies his close collusion with the party; other Dems refrain from competing for the same seat and Sanders stays silent around the cuts on education, social services and lay-offs of state workers implemented by Governor Peter Shumlin."
Let's face it: Sanders is no alternative 

"I have known Hillary Clinton for twenty five years. I admire her. I respect her. I like her." ~Bernie Sanders HERE

Sanders: Clinton On Her Worst Day Is An 'Infinitely Better Candidate' Than Any GOPer

Bernie Sanders: ‘I Am a Democrat Now’

"In this context, Sanders’ commitment to the Democratic Party and American capitalism amounts to a pre-signed declaration of surrender. More likely than not that surrender will be issued within the Democratic Primary when he endorses Hillary Clinton – yet even were he to overcome the odds and succeed, he could not deliver on the hopes of his supporters.

Capital concedes nothing without a threat: a threat to profits, a threat of disruption, a threat of expropriation. Our capacity to win reform is at every moment conditioned by our ability to threaten capital and the governability of the capitalist state. Only an uncompromising and unconditional struggle can wrest victories from the avaricious grasp of the American bourgeoisie.

Sanders, for all his relatively progressive demands, has renounced in advance precisely that unconditional struggle which is most essential to winning even basic reforms under capitalism."
Sanders, the Left and the American Elections

Stein: A Dollar For Sanders Is A Dollar For Hillary

Bernie Sanders is no Eugene Debs

 "BERNIE SANDERS' entry into the Democratic presidential primaries should be seen as his final decisive step away from the democratic socialism he professes to support. He will raise some progressive demands in the primaries and then endorse the corporate Democrat, Hillary Clinton. Nothing changes.

In his opening campaign speech as the party's 1904 presidential candidate, Eugene Debs said:

'The Republican and Democratic parties, or, to be more exact, the Republican-Democratic party, represent the capitalist class in the class struggle. They are the political wings of the capitalist system and such differences as arise between them relate to spoils and not to principles. With either of those parties in power, one thing is always certain, and that is that the capitalist class is in the saddle and the working class under the saddle.'"

Activists Disrupt Bernie Sanders Speech Over His Support For War


"(Howard) Dean said in May 2005 that he considered Sanders an ally who 'votes with the Democrats 98% of the time.'[67] Then-Senator Barack Obama also campaigned for Sanders in Vermont. Sanders entered into an agreement with the Democratic Party, much as he had as a congressman, to be listed in their primary but to decline the nomination should he win, which he did." HERE

"I am glad that the left intellectual and activist Chris Hedges does not support the Bernie Sanders campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. As Hedges explained in a recent interview on the Ralph Nader Radio Hour, Sanders’ candidacy lends undeserved credibility to the thoroughly corporatized Democratic Party. Sanders has pledged that he will support the corporatist military hawk Hillary Clinton in the 2016 general presidential election. Sanders stirs up legitimate progressive energy and popular anger and then 'funnels it back into a dead political system,' Hedges observes. Sanders fails to confront the American  Empire and military state, and, Hedges adds, has unforgivably 'abandoned the Palestinians and given carte blanche to Israel.'” HERE

Bernie Sanders, the independent Vermont senator who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination on 2016, on Sunday denied that he would be a “spoiler” for the electoral chances of the establishment favourite and said:“Maybe I shouldn’t say this: I like Hillary Clinton.”

"Quite right. Let’s not be fooled by any politician appealing to high ideals when they are in the business of war and empire.
Sanders not only defends military contracts that benefit his constituents in Vermont, he also joined the 100 to 0 vote in the Senate to give unalloyed moral and political support to the state of Israel during its most recent bombing campaign against Gaza."

Let’s not be fooled by “progressives” who can’t find their spines when the colonial regime in Israel bombs the crowded ghetto of Gaza.

Bernie Sanders Says He Will Not End Drone Program If Elected President

Bernie Sanders Drops A Bomb On The Media, “This Campaign Is Not Against Hillary Clinton.” (Warning: Left-wing nut-job website; posted here solely for article title which they cannot understand means he's a sheepdog for Hillary who'll never attack the democrats for whom he works.)

Sanders is beginning to parrot Black Lives Matter rhetoric yet he fully supports the Zion Apartheid and genocide of the Palestinian people:

"Sanders, on the other hand, went in the opposite direction, being vehemently pro-Israel before easing back as his bid for president neared. In 2006, he signed on to HR 921, which "reaffirmed US support for Israel" and condemned rocket attacks by Hamas. In 2008, Sanders was one of 100 co-sponsors of a Senate resolution recognizing the 60th anniversary of Israel's founding. Over the summer of 2014, Bernie's name was included by unanimous consent without a formal roll call in Senate Resolution 498, which granted US support for the Israeli defense forces' invasion of Gaza."

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders call for Edward Snowden to face trial

"How easy will it be for you to switch your support?" (From Bernie to Hillary). ~Robert Reich, warming up the Hillary Machine, on Facebook, Feb. 5, 2016


Democrats consume everything and co-opt it into themselves.

This is most evident in "occupy democrats", an openly pro-Obama PAC using the word Occupy to build a base for Obama, WHO IS PART OF THE PROBLEM WE FIGHT.


occupy democrats treason image

Much, much more about that bullshit directly above ^^^
HERE: Endless "occupy democrats" hypocrisy

A few more reasons to distrust Obama

Obama Denial Syndrome

Reasons to say NO to "Hillary 2016"

Democrats Embrace Citizens United in Defense of Clinton

You’re White and Marched With Dr. King: So What?

Here's How Black People Actually Fare in Bernie Sanders' Home State




Sunday, November 2, 2014


You're not allowed to vote on the real, actual issues which fuel the true government.

The wars for oil and resources will continue. The NSA continues. Record student loan debt continues. Record deportations continue. Record crack-downs on whistle-blowers continues. Bail-outs to banksters continues. Protection of Wall Street from prosecution continues. Racism continues and the racist institutions and opportunity inequality. Murderous police militarization and nationalization continues. DHS continues to accrue power. Bush's tax cuts for the rich continue. An open door in the White House for banksters continues. Continued submission and billions of taxpayer dollars to AIPAC and the Zion agenda to murder Palestinians, which all representatives approved or said nothing against. The list goes on and nothing you vote for will change it whatsoever.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ebola as Disaster Capitalism

When the tin foil theories stack up as making more sense than anything coming out of the corrupt White House and mainstream media, it's time to buy tin foil. WTF with plain-clothed people helping Ebola victims onto planes? WTF with zero bans on flights to and from the hot zones of an ongoing, worst-ever outbreak? WTF about zero isolation of sufferers and incomplete protection for their care workers? WTF with people going for take-out after being quarantined? WTF with sending soldiers to Africa instead of doctors and hazmat gear? WTF with unprotected sanitation workers spraying Ebola-filled vomit into sewers while people walk past? The amount of astonishing stupidity piling up points to either some fucking plot or...astonishing stupidity. Either will kill us just as quickly.

"...the men who later became Norsefire had staged a plan that would sweep them into full control of the nation; using detention centres, they conducted horrific medical experiments on prisoners to perfect a deadly virus (and the cure for it) which they then used to stage a terrorist attack they would blame on religious extremists.

To maximise its effect, the virus was released in a water treatment plant called Three Waters, a London Underground station, and the St. Mary's Primary School. The 'St. Mary's virus' quickly killed almost 100,000 people in the British Isles, and the British populace was gripped by fear. Several 'terrorist' scapegoats were tried and executed. Norsefire then promised to bring back security against the new 'terrorist threat'. Party leaders had bought stock in the pharmaceutical companies that would later mass-produce the cure, becoming very rich in the process. Not long after the biological attack and their ascension to power, the public was informed that a cure was miraculously discovered and distributed throughout the country. Adam Sutler (the film version of Adam Susan) was then elected to the new office of High Chancellor."

~Wikipedia, "Norsefire" from "V for Vendetta"

"Finch meets William Rookwood, who tells him that the program, directed by then-under secretary Adam Sutler, resulted in the creation of the "St. Mary's Virus" and its release in a false flag terrorist attack. The deaths of over 100,000 people and the resulting fear enabled the Norsefire party to win the next election, silence opposition, and turn the country into a totalitarian state under Sutler's rule as High Chancellor."

~Wikipedia, "V for Vendetta"

Patents: Human ebola virus species and compositions and methods thereof
US Patent CA2741523A1

Applicant: Jonathan S. Towner, Stuart T. Nichol, James A. Comer, Thomas G. Ksiazek, Pierre E. Rollin, The Government Of The United States Of America As Represented By The Sec Retary, Department Of Health & Human Services, Center For Disease Control

Big pharma has an interest in rich people being sick

Trio of pharma companies jump after CDC confirms U.S. Ebola case

Ebola In US: Tekmira, Sarepta, GlaxoSmithKline And Other Pharmaceutical Companies See Stocks Jump

In July, Tekmira's Ebola study was put on hold and stocks fell 7%.

However, in late September, a man in Texas was in the hospital for Ebola. Tekmira stock:

Tekmira stock

Tekmira also work with Monsanto:

Obama, who has continued and expanded the neocon/PNAC empire building in the middle east via bombing in 7 countries, also lied to all of us in 2013 when he appeared on Leno and said, quote: "There is no spying on Americans". Two years earlier, he reversed NSA restrictions on spying upon Americans. Zero credibility, total liar.

Obama To Leno: 'There Is No Spying On Americans'

Obama administration had restrictions on NSA reversed in 2011

There is zero possible reason to believe he's telling the truth about Ebola, and all reason to believe he's backing yet another empire-building false flag, but this time upon American soil. Why? Power:

NSA Surveillance Is about Power, Not "Safety"

"New Pearl Harbor"

"Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled 'Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force', includes the sentence: 'Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor'".

~Wikipedia, "Project for the New American Century" (Bush, Cheney and friends are involved)

Dick Cheney predicts attack this decade ‘far deadlier’ than 9/11

I hope everyone noted that Obama's neocon expansion speech regarding bombing Syria, a PNAC/neocon target, was given in the eve of 9/11. They rule through fear-mongering!

Who are these people and what is their agenda?

General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years

"This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." With 9/11 as the enabler. Note that big banking wants in on the middle east, to create millions of new debts, which is their business model.

Reality-based community

"The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' ... 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'"

NDAA Sections 1021 and 1022: Scary Potential

"...the government may detain anyone so charged 'without trial until the end of the hostilities.' Apologists for the law point out that it permits other dispositions 'under the law of war,” including civilian trial. But the point is that the law does not require those other dispositions. The administration can simply decide to detain you 'without trial until the end of hostilities.'”

Perhaps you've noticed that free speech is gone, regarding the right to peacefully assemble and redress the government for grievances? Occupy was smashed by robocops and zero banksters were arrested. On the contrary; they've been continually rewarded with protection and more and more of our tax dollars. Police are being militarized and nationalized into a standing army (against Posse Commitatus). DHS say they can steal your personal electronics anywhere along the border and up to 100 miles inland on a "hunch". Note the Trend and Ebola fits in nicely.

War. Who is it good for? The military-industrial complex stock is soaring upon word of bombing Syria...big energy (Dick Cheney's Halliburton is the world's number one oil services company, and they invented fracking) because there's oil in west Africa...why not big pharma as well? The people who make money on symptom control, not cures? Don't believe that? Then why did the US government own the patent for the use of cannabis to cure cancer, and sold it to a UK big pharma firm? And continue to wage a war against both users and sellers?

Phytocannabinoids in the treatment of cancer
Patent US 20130059018 A1

And why does the US government make a profit from student loan debt, which has now passed $1 trillion? It's become a business, not a service as it should be.

Why send troops to Africa instead of doctors? 

Africa's Resources
From here:" rel="nofollow">

Man Caught on Video Assisting Dallas Ebola Patient Without Hazmat Suit

The Idiotic Explanation Why The "Idiot With The Clipboard" Was Unprotected 

Dallas: Workers Spray Ebola Patients’ Vomit Off of Sidewalk with Pressure Washer and No Protective Clothing (Photos and Video) 

CDC Criteria For Ebola Transmission: “Being Within 3 Feet” or “In Same Room” Can Lead To Infection

COMMENTARY: Health workers need optimal respiratory protection for Ebola (analysis of transmission risks)

Response to statements falsely attributed to CIDRAP regarding Ebola transmission

Ebo-Lie: Man Living In Ghana Confirms Ebola Is A Hoax! -

WeAreChange NYC@WeAreChangeNYC
NYPD Stunner: Cops Exit Ebola Victim Apartment, Dump Gloves, Masks In Sidewalk Trash Can...

"What happened to safety precautions?? Two police officers caught leaving NYC ebola patient's apartment and throwing their masks and gloves in a PUBLIC trash can. In the nation's largest city, should the police be taking different protocol?!" 

Thank you to Storm Clouds Gathering and Aaron Nelson for their hard work on this and other subjects. They have presented facts; any conjecture herein is my own.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Obama Denial Syndrome

The NDAA section 1021 allowing the indefinite detention without either trial or representation of anyone in the world including through exclusion of specific wording, US citizens; drones, wars against seven countries (three more than Bush), 2 million deportations (setting records for years), fast-tracking the secretive TPP, militarizing and nationalizing police departments, strengthening DHS and their "can steal your personal electronics anywhere along the border and up to 100 miles inland on a hunch", crushing Occupy and continuing handouts of tax dollars to banksters and wall street, as well as having reversed NSA restrictions in 2011 and jailing PFC Manning for revealing BUSH'S war crimes...Snowden knew he'd only be safe if he fled...and the icing on the cake, overseeing record corporate profits and record low worker's wages...years and years of clearly-visible robosigning of illegal foreclosures and bulk foreclosure sales to wall street...NO prosecution of bankers and wall street after their 2008 crash...Detroit falling into the hands of privatizers and gentrifiers...and billions of dollars to help Zion kill and invade Palestine...Democrats marched in the streets against Bush's invasion of Iraq. Where y'all now?

Democrats accuse anyone of even daring to question their "leader", racist, mentally ill, or worse. "Haters". "You want republicans to win." They say anyone who dares question their daddy figure has "Obama Derangement Syndrome". Exactly as did Michael Savage, the republican, who wrote "Liberalism is a mental disorder". Exactly the same tactic from both "sides". They're the ones with illness, the illness of denying what is plainly in front of them in order to continue believing in "their" brand. While the rest of us suffer. They are utterly unfit to be allowed any position of power or influence.

Another way the two parties are exactly alike...they'll force themselves upon you and demand there is no other option. Both "partisan" political parties have utterly failed the people of this country. They, and their economic sector and Zion puppetmasters must be removed and power returned to the People. NOW.

Already in force...Hillary Denial Syndrome:

"'If it turns out to be Jeb versus Hillary we would love that and either outcome would be fine,'” one top Republican-leaning Wall Street lawyer said over lunch in midtown Manhattan last week.

Read more:

Monday, August 11, 2014

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Why republicans don't attack democrats over wall street, income inequality

What I find extremely interesting, which helps reveal that much of the partisan rancor is little more than pre-planned, distractionary theatre, is that if they wanted to go after Hillary Clinton or Obama, all they'd have to do is point out the astonishing depth of connection both have to Goldman Sachs, for example (Obama's "Staff" and the Clinton's "Foundation", son-in-law, Hillary's $800K in speaking fees thus far, etc.) They could point out the 470X income inequality between record low worker's wages and CEOs and their bonuses, how Obama protects Wall Street from investigation and prosecution, and much more regarding the sick economic sector...but then they, as accusers, would be in the same spotlight and =their own= direct ties to Wall Street would then be up for exploitation, such as Ted Cruz of the "Government shut-down" being married to a GS VP...and Goldman Sachs got over $1 billion in an earlier "shut-down", the "Fiscal cliff" scam...they all serve the same masters, so see the partisan bickering as what it truly to distract from anyone paying attention to all of their actual masters and their masters' actions and agenda.

Monday, July 28, 2014

How Israel helped train NYPD, who then attacked Occupy

Report: Israeli model underlies militarization of U.S. police

"The extreme militarization of American police forces has been brought to public attention by the tactics employed against Occupy protesters, which often appear more appropriate to counter-terrorism operations than to the control of non-violent protest. According to investigative journalist Max Blumenthal, however, the proper term for this ruthless suppression of dissent should be 'Israelification.'

In an article which begins with examples of American police training alongside Israeli security forces, Blumenthal writes, 'Having been schooled in Israeli tactics perfected during a 63 year experience of controlling, dispossessing, and occupying an indigenous population, local police forces have adapted them to monitor Muslim and immigrant neighborhoods in US cities. Meanwhile, former Israeli military officers have been hired to spearhead security operations at American airports and suburban shopping malls, leading to a wave of disturbing incidents of racial profiling, intimidation, and FBI interrogations of innocent, unsuspecting people. The New York Police Department’s disclosure that it deployed ‘counter-terror’ measures against Occupy protesters encamped in downtown Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park is just the latest example of the so-called War on Terror creeping into every day life. Revelations like these have raised serious questions about the extent to which Israeli-inspired tactics are being used to suppress the Occupy movement.'”

Are U.S. Police training with the Israeli Military?

"Apparently so and for some time now. According to Max Blumenthal with the Nation Institute, police in the U.S. have gone to Israel to train with the Israeli military in the 'handling' of civilians. According to Blumenthal, 'Crimaterrorists' is a phrase coined by an Israeli military official that essentially puts forth the notion that civilians engaging in civil disobedience should be seen and treated as a kind of domestic terrorist with criminal intentions. Raw Story weighed in on Blumenthal's allegations on December 4th."

NYPD In Israel: Police Department Opens Branch In Kfar Saba With Lone Detective Charlie Ben-Naim

"Officers have been stationed in London, Lyons, Hamburg, Toronto, and Tel Aviv, New York Magazine reports.

Several FBI officials have raised concerns that NYPD operatives abroad consistently break the laws of foreign governments."

10 Arrests in 87 Minutes: The Anatomy of the NYPD’s Protest Dispersal Process

"On the eve of the second anniversary of the Occupy movement, two video activists, have released a 10 minute short film providing perhaps the most detailed civilian account to date of the NYPD’s process of crowd dispersion during mass mobilizations. The video, shot on September 17th, 2012, during Occupy Wall Street’s first anniversary celebration action, details 10 arrests that took place over the span of 87 minutes. While at first glance many of the individual arrests appear to be arbitrary, careful analysis from the videographers illustrates a larger picture wherein the NYPD’s actions are calculated and designed to derail the protestors ability to effectively assemble."

(Video at the above link.)

Police attacks upon Occupy are domestic terrorism:

"Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover 'domestic,' as opposed to international, terrorism.   A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act 'dangerous to human life' that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to:  (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.  Additionally, the acts have to occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and if they do not, may be regarded as international terrorism.

(Emphasis mine).

- Scott Olsen and Kayvan Sabeghi, both peaceful Veterans in Oakland, were literally brought to the edge of death thanks to attacking militarized police forces. There are plenty of images of bloodied Occupiers across the nation, of cops punching people, hitting them with batons, throwing them to the ground and grinding their faces into cement, holding Occupy Tampa at gun-point for hours during a raid upon their facility...
-Clear violations of police misconduct laws and a wiping away for the 1st Amendment, among others. 
-Clear coercion...who wants to meet multiple dozens of militarized robocops when you're just marching and chanting? Being kidnapped by snatch squads (NYPD) and given as many charges as they can hope to make stick...the message is clear. Go home and shut up!

Salinas Police Swat

PD Tanks

We get up early to BEAT the crowd

Democratic National Convention

Occupy Denver, Craig F. Walker, The Denver Post

OWS Chase-Police-State

Police brutality at Occupy Philly

Occupy Denver AP Photo Leah Millis

Further reading:

1948: Einstein signs NYT letter warning of Zion's fascist direction 

Police Department Spying and Retaliation for the Surveillance State

Why Israel's #1 ally is about to bomb Iran's #1 ally

Oakland officials caught in lies about attacking Occupy

Oakland will pay $4.5 million to injured Occupy activist Scott Olsen

Oakland settles with Iraq War Veteran beaten at Occupy protest

Meet the Contractors Turning America's Police Into a Paramilitary Force





Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Why Dick Cheney promised to create a bigger, better 9/11...follow the money

If you remember the lies which allowed big energy to exploit oil-rich Iraq at the expense of taxpayer dollars and soldier's lives, you'll love their next move using the same lies and creation of conditions demanding an invasion of a region rich in resources they've long since targeted.

Dick Cheney's Halliburton has made some $39 billion from the Iraq invasion alone thus far. Here


Dick Cheney predicts attack this decade ‘far deadlier’ than 9/11

Of course, if they can predict it, they can completely stop it from happening, yes?

Of course's their excuse to invade and grab resources and tax dollars, and to subjugate the population in a state of fear, one further justifying the tax dollars feeding the currently $1 trillion a year surveillance state budget. Here

Because peak oil requires big energy be ready with a new energy source they can sell for a massive profit once oil runs out.

Because Dick Cheney's company Halliburton created fracking (six decades' worth!) Here. Hillary Clinton's state department is for exporting fracking. Here

But to where? Where are the new resources? Dick has known for years:

"June 1998: Businessweek reported that Dick Cheney (CEO of Halliburton) had been 'courting politicians and business leaders through the booming Caspian Sea region in an all-out effort to secure key political ties with Azerbaijan and Kazakstan. Accounting for the world's third-largest oil reserves, the region is Cheney's best hope to secure big contracts for a long time to come.'  DickCheney helped broker the Chevron-Kazakhstan deal when he sat on the Kazakhstan OilAdvisory Board in the mid-'90s (Business Week 1998, Amarillo Globe-News, June 13, 1998)" Here

"Since the collapse of the USSR at the end of 1991, U.S. oil companies and their friends in the State Department have been salivating at the prospect of gaining access to the huge oil and natural gas reserves in the former Soviet republics bordering the Caspian Sea and in Central Asia. These have been estimated as worth $4 trillion. The American Petroleum Institute calls the Caspian region 'the area of greatest resource potential outside of the Middle East.'

...while he was still CEO of Halliburton, the world's biggest oil services company, Vice President Dick Cheney told other industry executives, 'I can't think of a time when we've had a region emerge as suddenly to become as strategically significant as the Caspian.'" Here

How nice, to have your corporation be the frontman of the next big energy source. How nice to be able to play international fear and tensions to get there.

But wait, there's more:


Russia preparing to develop Gaza gas field

"It is only logical to assume that this step will raise the ire of Israel...AFP reported that there were talks of investing $1 billion to develop the Palestinian gas field.

However, three months ago, the Financial Times mentioned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had granted his approval to develop the field."

Israel Grants First Golan Heights Oil Drilling License To Dick Cheney-Linked Company

And this week:

Israel Invades Gaza Because It Can

Storm Clouds Gathering pointed out that Israel's pretext for this wave of violence is the deaths of three Israeli teenagers, whose murderers =have not been identified=. Here

But as Cheney and friends gnash their teeth about getting to the precious oil and gas, Russia are making counter-moves...just like in Ukraine. 

But if you need more than money as motivation for Cheney and the neocons:

"New Pearl Harbor"

Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled 'Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force', includes the sentence: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor".

"'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'" ~Karl Rove Here

General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years


"Our foreign policy is about securing resources for corporations, and propping up militarily ‘friendly’ regimes at all costs to human life and US taxpayer treasure. Nothing more." Here

If there is indeed another 9/11, it's Dick Cheney's personal fault (again). Remember him, and this. Always.


140charsorlesspls @nine11inreverse

"shoot down a plane—blame it on Russia—create a pretense to intervene in Ukraine—distract the sheep away from ‪#‎GazaUnderAttack‬..." ‪#‎MH17‬

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Understanding the Taliban and the Ukraine crisis. (Hint: Big Oil and Energy)

Once upon a time, Saint Ronald Wilson Reagan (666) invited the Taliban into the White House and called them "...the moral equivalents of America's Founding Fathers." (1985) They were fighting the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, as was CIA operative Osama Bin Laden. Much money was funneled into such "freedom fighters", until they turned against "us", because we wanted to build the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline through their back yard. Hey, friends let friends build pipelines through their back yards, don't they? What gives! Reagan dedicated a space shuttle flight to them, now they're supposed to let us pipe oil wherever we want!

Years later, or is it:

Ukraine hosts several Russian energy pipelines which feed consumers in North Africa and various European countries. Note that Vladimir Putin is a multi-billionaire through such gas and energy investments, so it's personal. Late last year, Chevron signed a $10,000,000,000.00 deal in Ukraine. Note that the "Petrodollar", the international currency through which oil trading occurs, helps or hinders that same country's economy as it rises and falls via oil deals and crisis.

Gee, capitalism isn't our friend? The government cares more about money than its people? They'd risk world war over money? NAH. NAW.


"Since the collapse of the USSR at the end of 1991, U.S. oil companies and their friends in the State Department have been salivating at the prospect of gaining access to the huge oil and natural gas reserves in the former Soviet republics bordering the Caspian Sea and in Central Asia. These have been estimated as worth $4 trillion."


"Outside this country, there is a widespread belief that U.S. military deployments in Central Asia mostly are about oil. 

An article in the Guardian of London headlined, 'A pro-western regime in Kabul should give the U.S. an Afghan route for Caspian oil,' foreshadowed the kind of skeptical coverage the U.S. war now receives in many countries."

Key gas pipelines in Ukraine 
(Pic of huge number of Russian pipelines through Ukraine)

"The Bureau of Investigative Journalism's Maeve McClenaghan talks to a Russian political analyst who says that Putin owns shares in three major oil and gas companies: 4.5% of Gazprom, 37% of oil supplier Surgutneftegas and up to 75% of oil trader Gunvor."

Europe Has Finally Found A Way To Make Russia Hurt Economically In Ukraine Crisis

"South Stream, the multi-billion-euro pipeline intended to bring Siberian gas to Europe, has become an economic pawn in the Ukraine crisis, analysts say, after Bulgaria halted work under pressure from Brussels and Washington.

The pipeline project backed by Russian giant Gazprom Italy's ENI and France's EDF, is intended to bring an annual 63 billion cubic metres of Russian natural gas to Europe."

Ukraine signs $10 billion shale gas deal with Chevron

Chevron has no plans to end fracking agreement with Ukraine

This oil giant could get crushed by Ukraine

"Ukraine sits on 39 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves. That's about one-quarter the world's entire proven reserves."

September 11th Attack on America - The Energy Connection


"Petrodollar refers to either a United States dollar earned by a country through the sale of its petroleum (oil) to another country[1], or the system by which the United States props up the relative value of its currency on the world market by requiring that oil producing nations trade their product on the world market exclusively in dollars."

Pooh Iraq 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Ted Cruz claims "war upon free speech" when "citizens united" is threatened

A friend who watches some right-wing media just asked me for additional information about a bill he'd heard discussed which the democrats are signing, which would end the 1st Amendment. Having seen zero about this in social media I went online and found this:

"Ted Cruz: Democrats are trying to ‘muzzle’ free speech".

Your first warning should be that Ted Cruz is a "tea party" darling, as one article calls him, and they're the Koch brother's plaything [1,2]. Your second should be that he's married to a Goldman Sachs executive [3]. Goldman Sachs makes money hiking up the prices of basic foodstuffs around the world, profiting while people literally starve [4], as well as taking incredible amounts of taxpayer dollars in "government shut-downs" [5]. They've also managed to install their people into several EU banking organizations following the EU crash as well as installing their people for a time as actual Prime Ministers in Italy and Greece [6] which banksters engineered in the first place [7]. Then, Ted leads the last so-called "government shut-down" unless his demands are met [8]. Smash-and-grab, smoke and mirrors. Disaster capitalism!

After about five minutes of searching I've learned the facts: Democrats have signed Senator Udall's bill to end the Koch brother's "citizens united" ruling (a ruling which allows significantly greater corporate spending on elections etc., literally ending "one person, one vote" and making dollars into actual speech). Those with the most money can be the loudest and most repetitive in media.

Ted Cruz is calling this a literal attack upon the 1st Amendment, upon free speech as an absolute. He of course actually means the claimed rights of corporations and the rich to dominate elections and to own government. I wanted to read Ted's op-ed on the subject but it's at the Wall Street Journal (AHEM) website, and you can't read it if you don't pay. Which I suppose perfectly details the entire situation. Some things are evidently only for some people, and you're not one of them.

Republicans must completely depend upon people to take them literally and to NOT do any research on their own, to ever question what they're being fed! Even good, decent people who don't take a minute to search out the details may be misled. And if that misleading voice can pay to become ever louder...



3: Mrs. Ted Cruz: VP Goldman Sach, Economic Policy Advisor to Bush-Cheney

4: Goldman Bankers Get Rich Betting on Food Prices as Millions Starve

5: 8 Huge Corporate Handouts in the Fiscal Cliff Bill

"Goldman got $1.6 billion in tax free financing for its new massive headquarters through Liberty Bonds."

6: What price the new democracy? Goldman Sachs conquers Europe

7: The Confidential Memo at the Heart of the Global Financial Crisis

8: Flip-Flopper Cruz Claims 2013 Government Shutdown Is Winning Strategy To Reclaim Senate

Further reading:

Goldman Sachs making the US like Greece, Italy, Spain... 

The 1% are ripping the shit out of us

Ted Cruz wins presidential straw poll at Republican Leadership Conference

Goldman Sachs' "Warehouse Shuffle" Just Cost You $5 Billion



Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pick-A-Fraud Class Action: The Misrepresentation of an Underrepresented Class

Guest post; all content is the product and responsibility of the author.

Pick-A-Fraud Class Action: The Misrepresentation of an Underrepresented Class

Lead Author:
Joshua W. Denbeaux, Esq., Partner, Denbeaux & Denbeaux
Principal Investigator and Researcher:
Joseph Hickman, President, Global Research Solutions, LLC
January 27, 2014

From 2003 until the real estate market imploded in 2008, World Savings Bank (now Wells Fargo, through purchase of Wachovia by Wells Fargo), sold tens of thousands of fraudulent Pick-a-Payment loans which devastated entire communities and tens of thousands of borrowers and families. Many of these loans were marketed and sold to New Jersey residents (approximately 5% of the total according to the New Jersey Attorney General). These New Jersey homeowners are like half a million homeowners throughout the United States who purchased those Pick-A-Payment loans, so their ordeal represents the struggles that many Americans have faced because of banks like Wells Fargo.

Wells Fargo has engaged, and continues to engage, in a very aggressive position with regard to its liabilities and rights on these misleading and fraudulent lending products. The strategy has been to pursue foreclosure at the earliest opportunity as aggressively as possible in order to force homeowners out, which also uses up homeowners’ financial resources defending the foreclosure
rather than attacking the underlying fraud in the transaction.

Given its position and the underlying fraudulent misrepresentations of its lending product and practices, Wells Fargo was faced with actions by a variety of Attorneys General, including the Attorney General of New Jersey. The New Jersey Attorney General described the State’s action against Wells Fargo as follows: “This case is part of our on-going effort to protect New Jersey
consumers, and to assist homeowners who may have fallen victim to misleading or exploitative lending practices.”

In addition, Wells Fargo faced a number of potential class actions filed against it throughout the country. Wells Fargo’s strategic response to the threats facing it on these fraudulent loans was both ingenious and disingenuous. Wells Fargo negotiated with the Attorneys General (including New Jersey, whose residents enjoy far greater fraud and foreclosure protections than most other states) to provide resident “class members” in the Class Action suit a series of promised
modifications without waiver of any of the homeowner’s rights to sue for violations of their rights and also without waiver of any homeowner’s defenses to a foreclosure action on these fraudulent loans; in response, the States’ Attorneys Generals dropped their actions. Importantly, in the California Class Action suit parallel to this agreement with the Attorneys General, there
was no New Jersey resident Class Representative to safeguard the far more stringent rights and protections of New Jersey homeowners. To that effect, the New Jersey Attorney General functioned within its Agreement as its citizens’ protector. That Agreement, however, was effectively breached and revoked by Wells Fargo.

(Please click the above link to read the full article. Thank you to Donald Tremblay for inquiring about posting it.)

Friday, April 18, 2014

Bundy Ranch: Precious Metals and "Competitive Leasing"

What is at the core of why the BLM went to Bundy Ranch with weapons? This is conjecture but look at the money.

In 2012 the Obama administration opened the use of some public lands, run by BLM, for "Solar Energy Zone" projects.

"The Solar PEIS planning effort has focused on identifying locations on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands that are most suitable for solar energy development. These areas are characterized by excellent solar resources, good energy transmission potential, and relatively low conflict with biological, cultural and historic resources." [1]

However, in Clark, Nevada, this directly impacts the endangered tortoise population. Mitigation plans were examined to relocate the tortoise population on to Gold Butte land, which is where Cliven Bundy ranches. Even more oddly, only four years after mining was banned in the area to protect the tortoise population, Federal funds began to run out and plans were enacted to euthanize them. [2] This would not be so complex, homesteader fights encroaching government, if not for the removal of BLM web pages specifically mentioning Cliven Bundy. That, and the fact that SEZs  and surrounding areas will eventually be public lands for competitive lease, hopefully not for fracking etc. exploitation:

"Heidi Hartmann, Argonne: Ultimately BLM will offer portions of the SEZ
or the entire SEZ for competitive leasing." (Top of page 3) [3]

It also turns out that the Dry Lake SEZ mitigation plan involving the Bundy Ranch is their test run for the national project:

"Develop a Regional Mitigation Plan for the Dry Lake SEZ and use the lessons
learned to produce guidance for the development of regional mitigation plans for all the remaining SEZs"  (Page 1) [4]

It is also the beginning of a potentially enormous amount of business:

"...with the development of technologies for capture of solar energy and its conversion to electricity there is great interest in siting major industrial developments in the Mojave."

"Sets a clear process that allows for development of well-sited projects on approximately 19 million acres outside the zones" [1]

I think that's the kicker. That's a lot of land opened for "development" of un-named projects "outside the zones"...which is where, exactly? They've detailed other items in stunning depth...the phrase "MINERALS__REALTY__AND_RESOURCE_PROTECTION" is part of the URL of this project's overall Final Report, yet the words nickel, copper, and platinum do not appear a single time therein. 19 million acres is 29,687.5 square miles. says "The total land area (excluding water) in South Carolina is 30,109 square miles", so they're opening an area the size of the land of SC for un-named exploitation and not saying exactly where. In addition to the actual SEZ land!

And apparently a large amount of money: 

"...the cost to buy private land in the vicinity of the SEZ is about $46,000/acre." (Page 16) [3]

Wondering if the "19 million acres" PLUS eventually all of the SEZ areas will be open to unlimited mining, fracking, etc. such as do the Kochs. There is no mention of nickel, copper, or platinum in the BLM Dry Lake SEZ Final Report, but this 2006 government survey of Gold Butte, Bunkerville and surrounding areas opens with 

"Gold Butte...contains areas with high potential for the occurrence of nickel-copper-platinum" "Bunkerville district could reveal a significant resource of nickel, copper, gold..."

so three things become clear. 

1. They cannot build the solar plant in the Dry Lake area and its mitigation in Gold Butte due to Cliven Bundy's wandering cattle which can damage everything, especially the land they wish to use for endangered tortoise relocation, and 

2. the endangered desert tortoise gained a 2009 prohibition on mining in the area, so no mining in Gold Butte and Bunkerville if the tortoise is relocated there. 

3. They're attempting to run off Cliven Bundy with guns and euthanize the endangered tortoise population which leaves no obstacles to the solar plant and the eventual competitive leasing of that land for presumed mining of precious metals by un-named leasees, assumedly for personal profit. The 19 million acres would appear to be immediately open to exploitation. Does this include Gold Butte, Bunkerville, etc.?  

So if you want to follow the money, wonder at who, not involved with the government (NGOs) would be worried about impacts upon this land.

Vanishing BLM Web Pages

Researcher site Storm Clouds Gathering provided a link to the removed BLM web page regarding their complaints regarding Cliven Bundy's "trespass cattle".

BLM Notheast Clark County Cattle Tresspass

However,  Federal funds to preserve the Tortoise population are ending and they are slated to be moved or euthanized. [1] The thing is, another BLM page linked by SCG shows discussion of a Dry Lake Energy Zone and that some unknown party who says that Cliven Bundy's tresspass cattle endagers the offsite mitigation:

Bundy Ranch BLM Cattle Tresspass Impacts 1

So NGOs worry that the mitigation, meaning the transfer of endangered tortoise and other plants and animals from the 93/15 intersection area to Gold Butte would not be sustainable due to the free-wandering cattle. Yet the tortoise is being destroyed...

The Endangered Tortoise, slated for euthanization by the government

The Dry Lake Energy Zone is 45 miles south-west of the Bundy Ranch where the 93 meets the 15 freeway.

You'll see that there is a power plant and a gypsum processing plant at the intersection of the 93 and 15 freeways some 45 miles south-west of Bundy Ranch. This area will be turned into a solar farm.

Dry Lake SEZ Location

Here is the main BLM page.

which links to their Final Report.


What is off-site mitigation and does SRMP fit?
Off-site mitigation is covered under current BLM policy and consists
of compensating for resource impacts by replacing or providing substitute resources or habitat at a differentlocation than the project area.


Obama Administration Releases Roadmap for Solar Energy Development on Public Lands

The document State-by-State list of Solar Energy Zones lists Dry Lake, Clark Nevada, a public land, where currently exists the Harry Allen Generating Station and a gypsum processing plant at the 93/15 intersection.

Potential Impacts of Solar Development in the Dry Lake SEZ:

2. Development may have a significant adverse effect on specially designated areas, especially the Desert National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Old Spanish National Historic Trail (NHT), Arrow Canyon Wilderness Area (WA), Muddy Mountains WA,
andNellis Dunes Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA).

10. Development may adversely affect specific wildlife species or aquatic biota
(especially 73 identified special-status species). If pre-disturbance surveys indicate concern for any of the 11 ESA-listed or candidate-for-listing species identified as possibly present, consultation with the USFWS on mitigation will be required.

This document, at the very end, discusses the cost of dealing with the endangered tortoise population:

The FWS Biological Opinion was prepared for the entire Silver State Project
(North and South, approximately 7,925 acres). The FWS estimates that up to
38 tortoises will be accidentally injured, killed, or destoryed; up to 123 may be
encountered and relocated. Desert Tortoise Remuneration Fees: BLM
estimates a total of 2,966 acres of tortoise habitat would be disturbed between
the two Silver State projects. Total fees for disturbance of tortoise habitat
within the material site and expansion area would be $2,295,684 ($774/acre X
2,966 acres). Desert Tortoise translocation and fencing: no quantitative
presentation on number of acres or tortoises, amount of fencing, or costs.
Reasonable and Prudent Measures with Terms and Conditions: (1) additional
tortoise fencing; (2) off-site tortoise monitoring for minimum of 5 years; (3) fee
of $9,000 for each tortoise sent to the desert tortoise recovery center.
Who exactly will be getting paid this mitigation fee? 

And why the sudden decision to go out and just kill them!?

Who are the stakeholders in the SEZ developments in Nevada and elsewhere?

This document on page 8 implies that the endangered tortoise would be moved to Gold Butte because it shares equivalent conditions:

"The Gold Butte ACEC is in the same ecological zone (ecoregion) and sub-zone as
the Dry Lake SEZ and is of the same vegetation community. The Gold Butte ACEC provides habitat for all of the wildlife, including the special status species, found in the Dry Lake SEZ."

On page 27 of the above document, a gypsum processing plant is shown at the intersection of the 15 and 93 freeways.  Page 32 of the document (page 27 on the pages) states: 

"Supporting Las Vegas RMP Objective SS-2:
Manage habitat to further sustain the populations of Federally listed species so
that they would no longer need protection of the Endangered Species Act."

Yet clearly the order has come down to kill them!

Prices of desert land:

"Fred Edwards, BLM: On the basis of some research on restoration numbers, the very low end was $10,000/acre in the Mojave." (Page 2) [3]

"Heidi Hartmann, Argonne: Ultimately BLM will offer portions of the SEZ or the entire SEZ for competitive leasing." (Top of page 3)

"Heidi Hartmann, Argonne: Mike Baughman said that he understood the cost to buy private land in the vicinity of the SEZ is about $46,000/acre. I’m wondering if a valid comparison is the cost of private land versus the sum of the BLM rental fee, MW fee, and mitigation (that is, should we consider the cost of nearby private lands in establishing the mitigation fees for SEZs)?" (Page 16)

This document states on page 125:

"Transmission Assessment
•     Dry Lake SEZ estimated to have the potential to generate up to 915 MW of marketable power
•     Possible load areas
–     Las Vegas, NV
–     Los Angeles, CA and Phoenix, AZ"

So this is a for-profit but government-owned facility (which will later be opened for "competitive leasing" to unknown parties).

Who are the non-governmental organizations involved in the SEZ projects, the stakeholders? A few parties listed in the 4th workshop include NRG Solar, Southern California Edison, NewFields, the Air Force and Department of Defense. While I significantly doubt that the rumor regarding Blackwater/Xe/Academi wanting the land for military-grade minerals and metals is simply rumor, there =are= potentially large amounts of valuable metals present, and since the government wants Gold Butte for mitigation projects, it would fall under their jurisdiction, and said jurisdiction involves a definite amount of land surround the SEZ as being open for exploitation. This is conflation and conjecture but follow the money and dead endangered tortoise population for a possible answer.

Minerals at Bundy Ranch

Other struggles in Nevada by locals against BLM and mining companies

Never Mind Cliven Bundy: Here’s the Real David vs. Goliath Story Between Ranchers and Feds

"The Western Shoshone filed suit decades ago to try to clear up the ownership of their land, which the U.S., through congressional legislation, began taking for various means. Some of the land was used for nuclear testing— the Department of Energy has detonated more bombs there than anywhere else on earth—while other plots were leased to mining companies digging for gold."

Citizen Groups File to Prevent the ‘Immediate and Irreparable Impacts from the Mount Hope Molybdenum Mine'

“Springs and/or waterholes that will be affected by the Project’s dewatering and other operations are utilized by livestock grazing on public land.
 The Mt. Hope Mine Project would be one of the largest open pit mines in the nation. Mt. Hope and its environs will be obliterated if this project goes forward as planned...

The Draft EIS states that drain-down solutions from the tailings storage facilities are expected to contain aluminum, antimony, cadmium, fluoride, manganese, molybdenum, and sulfate concentrations that exceed water quality standards, and will become acidic over time. Waste rock seepage will contain high concentrations of aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, fluoride, manganese, nickel, zinc, copper, iron, lead, beryllium, thallium, selenium, sulfate, and total dissolved solids. If tailings and waste rock disposal facilities, fluid collection systems, and evapotranspiration cells are not properly managed over the long-term, the project could result in significant and long-term degradation of surface water and/or groundwater quality, as well as wildlife exposure to these waters. - March 28, 2012 EPA letter to BLM."

Who is against solar power? 

Conservative heavyweights have solar industry in their sights

"The Koch brothers and large utilities have allied to reverse state policies that favor renewable energy."

The recent "government shut-down"

"But the fact that the government and parks are closed hasn’t stopped Congress from holding hearings, including one Thursday in the House Natural Resources Committee on a bill that would force a fire sale of 3.3 million acres of public lands."

National Parks Remain Closed, Yet House Republicans Move To Sell Off 3.3 Million Acres Of Public Lands

The Koch brothers are big on turning Federal lands over to States so they may exploit them. 

The continuing Harry Reid question.

Superb researchers detail some interesting bits about Senator Reid which are well worth keeping in mind:


[1] Obama Administration Releases Roadmap for Solar Energy Development on Public Lands

[2] Endangered US Tortoises to Be Euthanized

[3]  Solar Regional Mitigation Planning – Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone Pilot Project Workshop 4 February 27, 2013

[4] Framework and Action Plan for developing a Regional Mitigation Plan

[5] Working toward a regional mitigation plan for the Solar Energy Zone

Further reading: 

The Bundy Ranch, OathKeepers, and the Koch Brothers...the 1%'s revolution?

"The mines would come in and poison everything..."

Please pardon my lack of HTML skills. Cutting-and-pasting text from several sources has caused the font type to get out of control.