Monday, July 28, 2014

How Israel helped train NYPD, who then attacked Occupy

Report: Israeli model underlies militarization of U.S. police

"The extreme militarization of American police forces has been brought to public attention by the tactics employed against Occupy protesters, which often appear more appropriate to counter-terrorism operations than to the control of non-violent protest. According to investigative journalist Max Blumenthal, however, the proper term for this ruthless suppression of dissent should be 'Israelification.'

In an article which begins with examples of American police training alongside Israeli security forces, Blumenthal writes, 'Having been schooled in Israeli tactics perfected during a 63 year experience of controlling, dispossessing, and occupying an indigenous population, local police forces have adapted them to monitor Muslim and immigrant neighborhoods in US cities. Meanwhile, former Israeli military officers have been hired to spearhead security operations at American airports and suburban shopping malls, leading to a wave of disturbing incidents of racial profiling, intimidation, and FBI interrogations of innocent, unsuspecting people. The New York Police Department’s disclosure that it deployed ‘counter-terror’ measures against Occupy protesters encamped in downtown Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park is just the latest example of the so-called War on Terror creeping into every day life. Revelations like these have raised serious questions about the extent to which Israeli-inspired tactics are being used to suppress the Occupy movement.'”

Are U.S. Police training with the Israeli Military?

"Apparently so and for some time now. According to Max Blumenthal with the Nation Institute, police in the U.S. have gone to Israel to train with the Israeli military in the 'handling' of civilians. According to Blumenthal, 'Crimaterrorists' is a phrase coined by an Israeli military official that essentially puts forth the notion that civilians engaging in civil disobedience should be seen and treated as a kind of domestic terrorist with criminal intentions. Raw Story weighed in on Blumenthal's allegations on December 4th."

NYPD In Israel: Police Department Opens Branch In Kfar Saba With Lone Detective Charlie Ben-Naim

"Officers have been stationed in London, Lyons, Hamburg, Toronto, and Tel Aviv, New York Magazine reports.

Several FBI officials have raised concerns that NYPD operatives abroad consistently break the laws of foreign governments."

10 Arrests in 87 Minutes: The Anatomy of the NYPD’s Protest Dispersal Process

"On the eve of the second anniversary of the Occupy movement, two video activists, have released a 10 minute short film providing perhaps the most detailed civilian account to date of the NYPD’s process of crowd dispersion during mass mobilizations. The video, shot on September 17th, 2012, during Occupy Wall Street’s first anniversary celebration action, details 10 arrests that took place over the span of 87 minutes. While at first glance many of the individual arrests appear to be arbitrary, careful analysis from the videographers illustrates a larger picture wherein the NYPD’s actions are calculated and designed to derail the protestors ability to effectively assemble."

(Video at the above link.)

Police attacks upon Occupy are domestic terrorism:

"Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover 'domestic,' as opposed to international, terrorism.   A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act 'dangerous to human life' that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to:  (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.  Additionally, the acts have to occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and if they do not, may be regarded as international terrorism.

(Emphasis mine).

- Scott Olsen and Kayvan Sabeghi, both peaceful Veterans in Oakland, were literally brought to the edge of death thanks to attacking militarized police forces. There are plenty of images of bloodied Occupiers across the nation, of cops punching people, hitting them with batons, throwing them to the ground and grinding their faces into cement, holding Occupy Tampa at gun-point for hours during a raid upon their facility...
-Clear violations of police misconduct laws and a wiping away for the 1st Amendment, among others. 
-Clear coercion...who wants to meet multiple dozens of militarized robocops when you're just marching and chanting? Being kidnapped by snatch squads (NYPD) and given as many charges as they can hope to make stick...the message is clear. Go home and shut up!

Salinas Police Swat

PD Tanks

We get up early to BEAT the crowd

Democratic National Convention

Occupy Denver, Craig F. Walker, The Denver Post

OWS Chase-Police-State

Police brutality at Occupy Philly

Occupy Denver AP Photo Leah Millis

Further reading:

1948: Einstein signs NYT letter warning of Zion's fascist direction 

Police Department Spying and Retaliation for the Surveillance State

Why Israel's #1 ally is about to bomb Iran's #1 ally

Oakland officials caught in lies about attacking Occupy

Oakland will pay $4.5 million to injured Occupy activist Scott Olsen

Oakland settles with Iraq War Veteran beaten at Occupy protest

Meet the Contractors Turning America's Police Into a Paramilitary Force





Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Why Dick Cheney promised to create a bigger, better 9/11...follow the money

If you remember the lies which allowed big energy to exploit oil-rich Iraq at the expense of taxpayer dollars and soldier's lives, you'll love their next move using the same lies and creation of conditions demanding an invasion of a region rich in resources they've long since targeted.

Dick Cheney's Halliburton has made some $39 billion from the Iraq invasion alone thus far. Here


Dick Cheney predicts attack this decade ‘far deadlier’ than 9/11

Of course, if they can predict it, they can completely stop it from happening, yes?

Of course's their excuse to invade and grab resources and tax dollars, and to subjugate the population in a state of fear, one further justifying the tax dollars feeding the currently $1 trillion a year surveillance state budget. Here

Because peak oil requires big energy be ready with a new energy source they can sell for a massive profit once oil runs out.

Because Dick Cheney's company Halliburton created fracking (six decades' worth!) Here. Hillary Clinton's state department is for exporting fracking. Here

But to where? Where are the new resources? Dick has known for years:

"June 1998: Businessweek reported that Dick Cheney (CEO of Halliburton) had been 'courting politicians and business leaders through the booming Caspian Sea region in an all-out effort to secure key political ties with Azerbaijan and Kazakstan. Accounting for the world's third-largest oil reserves, the region is Cheney's best hope to secure big contracts for a long time to come.'  DickCheney helped broker the Chevron-Kazakhstan deal when he sat on the Kazakhstan OilAdvisory Board in the mid-'90s (Business Week 1998, Amarillo Globe-News, June 13, 1998)" Here

"Since the collapse of the USSR at the end of 1991, U.S. oil companies and their friends in the State Department have been salivating at the prospect of gaining access to the huge oil and natural gas reserves in the former Soviet republics bordering the Caspian Sea and in Central Asia. These have been estimated as worth $4 trillion. The American Petroleum Institute calls the Caspian region 'the area of greatest resource potential outside of the Middle East.'

...while he was still CEO of Halliburton, the world's biggest oil services company, Vice President Dick Cheney told other industry executives, 'I can't think of a time when we've had a region emerge as suddenly to become as strategically significant as the Caspian.'" Here

How nice, to have your corporation be the frontman of the next big energy source. How nice to be able to play international fear and tensions to get there.

But wait, there's more:


Russia preparing to develop Gaza gas field

"It is only logical to assume that this step will raise the ire of Israel...AFP reported that there were talks of investing $1 billion to develop the Palestinian gas field.

However, three months ago, the Financial Times mentioned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had granted his approval to develop the field."

Israel Grants First Golan Heights Oil Drilling License To Dick Cheney-Linked Company

And this week:

Israel Invades Gaza Because It Can

Storm Clouds Gathering pointed out that Israel's pretext for this wave of violence is the deaths of three Israeli teenagers, whose murderers =have not been identified=. Here

But as Cheney and friends gnash their teeth about getting to the precious oil and gas, Russia are making counter-moves...just like in Ukraine. 

But if you need more than money as motivation for Cheney and the neocons:

"New Pearl Harbor"

Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled 'Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force', includes the sentence: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor".

"'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'" ~Karl Rove Here

General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years


"Our foreign policy is about securing resources for corporations, and propping up militarily ‘friendly’ regimes at all costs to human life and US taxpayer treasure. Nothing more." Here

If there is indeed another 9/11, it's Dick Cheney's personal fault (again). Remember him, and this. Always.


140charsorlesspls @nine11inreverse

"shoot down a plane—blame it on Russia—create a pretense to intervene in Ukraine—distract the sheep away from ‪#‎GazaUnderAttack‬..." ‪#‎MH17‬